What type of poem is The Seven Ages of Man?

What type of poem is The Seven Ages of Man?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat type of poem is The Seven Ages of Man?

“Seven Ages of Man” is written in free verse and using the narrative style. The poem is rich in metaphors.

Q. What are the 7 ages?

The ‘Seven Ages of Man’, in detail

  • Stage 1, Infancy: A helpless baby, just crying and throwing up.
  • Stage 2, Schoolboy: This is where his formal education starts but he is not entirely happy with school.
  • Stage 3, Teenager:
  • Stage 4, Young man:
  • Stage 5, Middle-aged:
  • Stage 6, Old man:
  • Stage 7, Dotage and death:

Q. What are the characteristics of the seven ages of man?

Jaques divides the life of a man into seven stages:

  • Baby or infant.
  • School boy or child.
  • Lover.
  • Soldier.
  • Justice or judge.
  • Old man.
  • Extreme old age, again like a child.

Q. What are the seven ages of man according to William Shakespeare?

The Seven Ages of Man is a series of paintings by Robert Smirke, derived from the famous monologue beginning all the world’s a stage from William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII. The stages referred are: infant, schoolboy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon and old age.

Q. What is the first age of man?

2.5 million years

Q. How many ages of man are there?

five ages

Q. What is the theme of seven ages of man?

The theme of the poem ‘The seven ages of man’ is that the world’s a stage and men and women are the actors performing. They enter many stages of life before death. The poem describes the seven stages in a man’s life from birth to death.At first the poem describes the man as a baby who is being taken a lot of care.

Q. What is the main idea of all the world’s a stage?

ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE is a poem taken from the play “As you like it” by Shakespeare which reflects on our life and the role we play in it. He says that God has assigned us “seven roles” to play in our life just like professional actors playing their roles in a drama happening at a stage.

Q. What figure of speech is the world’s a stage?


Q. Whats does sans mean?


Q. What are the figures of speech in the poem life?

Answer: Lots of simile, metaphor and personification and the symbolism is indicated in the poem. The darkness is the symbol of death, depression or sadness. There is a lot of end rhyming and a little bit of internal rhyming and after some cursory glance.

Q. Is life but a dream figures of speech?

A metaphor is an implied simile. Thus, when we say, ‘She is like an angel’ we use a simile, but when we say ‘She is an angel’, we use a metaphor. Examples are: Life is a dream.

Q. Who does our best refer?

Answer: the phrase ‘our best’ refers to the best one person has to offer. for example before going to a sports match one might say’ we will try our best to win’ which in the context means that the person under any circumstances will give it their best to win.

Q. What are the special features of the poem life?

Bronte wrote the poem under her pseudonym Currer Bell. The Rhyme scheme of the poem is ABAB (except rain & dream). The poem is divided into three stanzas consisting of 8, 4 and 12 lines respectively. In this poem, Bronte uses rain to serve as a metaphor for gloom, despair, and even death.

Q. What message is the poet trying to give us?

The message in Charlotte Brontë’s poem “Life” is that we should be hopeful rather than hopeless and optimistic rather than pessimistic. In the first stanza, Brontë lists a series of weather events which are usually perceived as negative and shows why each should in fact be perceived as positive.

Q. What is the message of the poem life?

The Central message of the poem “Life” by Charlotte Brontë is optimism. Brontë talks about the transcience of negative situations, advocating for a “This too shall pass” attitude attitude towards them.

Q. What message does the poet give us in this poem?

Answer: The poem conveys the message that childrem need to be allowed more liberty. Excessive nagging makes them defiant and they turn a deaf ear to the instructions of the elders. They develop a kind of dislike for real life and start escaping into the world of dreams and imagination .

Q. Who does the poet agree with?

Answer. Answer:In the beginning the poet agrees that fire alone can bring an end to this world.

Q. What message do the above lines convey?

What message do the above lines convey? Answer: The above lines convey that life is full of hopelessness and sadness. There is lack of noble feelings amongst men.

Q. What message does the poem convey Class 9?

Class 9 Question The poet wants to convey that since all people on the earth are same as they breathe, as they drink, as they eat ,as they talk, as they walk ,etc. Importance of Sun water and air is equal for everyone.

Q. What is the central theme of the poem life?

theme/central idea: This is a motivating and optimistic poem. The poet says that’s the bad things of life are transient, and good things invariably follow them. Hope will help us to bear our trials even during times of great adversity. we must be optimistic and have the courage to overcome any problem or mishap.

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What type of poem is The Seven Ages of Man?.
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