What term describes cultures that have only a few socially sanctioned goals and only a few ways to achieve these goals quizlet?

What term describes cultures that have only a few socially sanctioned goals and only a few ways to achieve these goals quizlet?

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emic;etic. According to the text, what term describes culture that have only a few socially sanctioned goals and only a few ways to achieve these goals? tough. David Mccelland would argue that a culture that emphasizes children’s stories such as the little engine that could, has a high need of what? achievement.

Q. What is the term for components of ideas that are particular to a specific culture?

Emics. -components of ideas that are particular to certain cultures.

Q. Which of the following is an important reason for identifying cross-cultural differences in experience personality and behavior?

Why is it important to identify cross-cultural differences in experience, personality, and behavior? Correct Answer(s): Such cross-cultural differences tell us about variability in human experiences. Cross-cultural research informs us about the generalizability of research findings.

Q. Which of the following cultures is said to be individualistic?

A few countries that are considered individualistic cultures include the United States, Germany, Ireland, South Africa, and Australia.

Q. What does self determination mean quizlet?

Self determination means “a nation can structure itself according to its own desire. It can structure its life based on the principle of autonomy…a nation is sovereign and all nations are equal”.

Q. Which of the following is an example of self determination?

Self determination is defined as the personal decision to do something or think a certain way. An example of self determination is making the decision to run a marathon without asking anyone’s opinion. The right of a people to decide upon its own political status or form of government, without outside influence.

Q. What do you mean by national self determination?

Creation of national governmental institutions by a group of people who view themselves as a distinct nation (for example, because they have a common language). National self-determination is opposed to colonialism and imperialism.

Q. What is self determination definition?

Self-determination, the process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government. …

Q. What are the three key features of self-determination?

Principles of self-determination

  • Freedom. They can exercise of the same rights as all citizens.
  • Support. They can autonomously determine how to organise their resources.
  • Knowledge. Knowledge of what has and hasn’t worked elsewhere helps avoid mistakes or going the wrong way.
  • Financial responsibility.
  • Stable policies.

Q. What is self-determination and why is it important?

In psychology, self-determination is an important concept that refers to each person’s ability to make choices and manage their own life. This ability plays an important role in psychological health and well-being. Self-determination allows people to feel that they have control over their choices and lives.

Q. What are common collectivistic cultures?

A few common traits of collectivist cultures include: Individuals define themselves in relation to others (for example, “I am a member of…”). Group loyalty is encouraged. Greater emphasis is placed on common goals than on individual pursuits. The rights of families and communities comes before those of the individual.

Q. What is the concept of collectivism?

Collectivism is a political theory associated with communism. More broadly, it is the idea that people should prioritize the good of society over the welfare of the individual. Collectivism is the opposite of individualism. Ideally, in a collectivist society, decisions benefit all the people.

Q. What is Filipino collectivism?

The Philippines, with a score of 32, is considered a collectivistic society. This is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member ‘group’, be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules and regulations.

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What term describes cultures that have only a few socially sanctioned goals and only a few ways to achieve these goals quizlet?.
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