What task requires the most work lifting 50 kg sack 2 meters or pushing a 50 kg sack 2 meters?

What task requires the most work lifting 50 kg sack 2 meters or pushing a 50 kg sack 2 meters?

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Q. What task requires the most work lifting a 50 kg sack 2 meters or lifting a 25 kg sack 4 meters?

Which requires more work: lifting a 50kg sack a vertical distance of 2m orlifting a 25kg sack a vertical distance of 4m? Answer= It is the same, for the product of each is the same; (50 kg) (2 m) = (25 kg) (4 m).

Q. Which requires more energy lifting a 50 kg sack vertically 2 meters or lifting a 25 kg sack vertically 4 meters?

Which requires more work- lifting a 50-kg sack a vertical distance of 2 m or lifting a 25-kg sack a vertical distance or 4 m? Both are the same amount of work because the force x distance is the same for each.

Term if you push for a half hour or a whole hour against a stationary wall..Definition no work on the wall is done in either case.
Term what task requires the most work, lifting a 50 kg sack 2 meters or lifting a 24 kg 4 meters?Definition both require the sam amount of work.

Q. When you jump from an elevated position?

When you jump from an elevated position you usually bend your knees upon reaching the ground. By doing this, you make the time of the impact about 10 times as great as for a stiff-legged landing.

Q. Does more kinetic energy mean more speed?

It turns out that an object’s kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed. A car moving 40 mph has four times as much kinetic energy as one moving 20 mph, while at 60 mph a car carries nine times as much kinetic energy as at 20 mph. Thus a modest increase in speed can cause a large increase in kinetic energy.

Q. What will happen to the kinetic energy of a body if its mass is doubled?

The kinetic energy of the object is directly proportional to the mass, therefore on doubling the mass kinetic energy will also become double.

Q. At what speed mass of body will be doubled?

So, an object traveling at a speed of about 86.6% of the speed of light will have twice as much total relativistic energy as it does when it is stationary.

Q. How fast should a man of 50 kg runs so that is kinetic energy be 625?

Solution. So , the man should be running with a speed of 5 m/s .

Q. How much will be the increase in kinetic energy of a body?

The kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of the speed of the body. Therefore , when the kinetic energy of the body is increased , the kinetic energy will become four times the actual value.

Q. What happens to the kinetic energy of the body weighing 2 kg if the speed is doubled?

If you double the speed of an object, the kinetic energy increases by four times. The word “kinetic” comes from the Greek word “kinesis” which means motion. Kinetic energy can be passed from one object to another in the form of a collision.

Q. What will happen to the kinetic energy of a body if its speed is increased?

The kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed, so doubling the speed increases the kinetic energy by a factor of 4.

Q. Does a man standing at rest on a moving car possess kinetic energy?

Does a man standing at rest on a moving car possess kinetic energy? The man sitting inside the car shares the motion of the car. Hence, he posses kinetic energy. This electrical energy is converted into heat and light.

Q. Is potential energy positive or negative?

The potential energy is the amount of stored energy which can be extracted, therefore it must be the negative of the external work done to get it there. A force of 5, N,5N is applied to an object while it moves over a distance of 2, m,2m in the direction of this force.

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What task requires the most work lifting 50 kg sack 2 meters or pushing a 50 kg sack 2 meters?.
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