What structure of liver cell is Basophilic?

What structure of liver cell is Basophilic?

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The nuclei and nucleoli of normal liver cells are small. Basophilic mate- rial is present in the cytoplasm of all cells. In this fixed material, it assumes various forms. In some cells, it appears as a diffuse blue staining of the cytoplasm-most often seen in cells near the portal connective tissue.

Q. What are the three types of hepatocytes?


  • Hepatic stellate cell.
  • Kupffer cell.
  • Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell.
  • Q. How many hepatocytes are in the liver?

    A similar value for the number of hepatocytes per gram of liver of 116 (range 102–139) × 106 cells g−1 has also been reported by Lipscomb et al. [3].

    Q. What do hepatocytes do in the liver?

    Hepatocytes, the major parenchymal cells in the liver, play pivotal roles in metabolism, detoxification, and protein synthesis. Hepatocytes also activate innate immunity against invading microorganisms by secreting innate immunity proteins.

    Q. What is vacuolar change?

    Vacuolar degeneration is a pathologic change which can occur in cells of different tissues. The. affected cells are distinguished by the presence of variously sized cytoplasmic vacuoles (up to several µ in diameter), outlined by a single membrane and containing substances of different kinds.

    Q. Why do liver cells have microvilli?

    The hepatocytes have many microvilli which project into this space, to increase absorption from the plasma. Hepatocytes synthesise and secrete bile into a system of tiny bile canaliculi which are present between adjacent hepatocytes.

    Q. Why do some hepatocytes have two nuclei?

    Multiple Nuclei in Human Cells Liver cells often have two nuclei so they can more efficiently do all these jobs. Having two nuclei is like having two sets of blueprints, so the cells can build two proteins at the same time.

    Q. What type of cells are hepatocytes?

    The hepatocytes (epithelial cells of the liver) form branching plates of cells, often only one cell thick, between a system of capillary sinusoids that connect the portal tracts to the central vein.

    Q. What causes vacuolar degeneration?

    vac·u·o·lar de·gen·er·a·tion. formation of nonlipid vacuoles in cytoplasm, most frequently due to accumulation of water by cloudy swelling.

    Q. What is a vacuolar Hepatopathy?

    Vacuolar hepatopathy (VH) is a commonly diagnosed canine liver syndrome in which hepatocytes become markedly distended with cytosolic glycogen with or without discrete membrane-bound lipid inclusions.

    Q. What shape are hepatocytes?

    Although the original morphology of hepatocytes in vivo is cuboidal shape, primary cultured hepatocytes show a gradual change in cell shape, and become flat and elongate as time progresses (11,27,31).

    Q. When does vacuolar hepatopathy occur in the liver?

    Vacuolar hepatopathy occurs when liver cells (hepatocytes) undergo reversible vacuolar changes due to glycogen accumulation.

    Q. What is Vacuolar hepatopathy in a dog?

    Vacuolar hepatopathy (VH) is a commonly diagnosed canine liver syndrome in which hepatocytes become markedly distended with cytosolic glycogen with or without discrete membrane-bound lipid inclusions.

    Q. What causes vacuoles to form in liver cells?

    Any time that liver cells are stressed or damaged, one of their responses is to swell and to develop vacuoles. Unfortunately, this means that the list of possible causes for vacuolar changes is quite extensive.

    Q. Why do you need a biopsy for vacuolar hepatopathy?

    Hepatic biopsy is needed for definitive diagnosis, because glycogen-vacuolated hepatocytes are also seen in necroinflammatory liver disorders. Intrahepatic extramedullary hematopoiesis is common. It is critical to determine and treat any underlying disease process.

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