What research method did Schachter and Singer use?

What research method did Schachter and Singer use?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat research method did Schachter and Singer use?

The method used was a laboratory experiment with independent measures. There were two independent variables. The information about the adrenalin injection given to the subjects, and the situation they are put in (euphoria situation or anger situation).

Q. What hypothesis did Schachter and Singer test in their experiment in which they injected participants with epinephrine and manipulated the emotion that a Confederate displayed?

Schacter and Singer had hypothesized that if people experienced an emotion for which they had no explanation, they would then label these feelings using their feelings at the moment.

Q. What are the two factors in Schachter and Singer’s two-factor theory?

The two-factor theory of emotion states that emotion is based on two factors: physiological arousal and cognitive label. The theory was created by researchers Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer.

Q. What is Schachter Singer theory example?

For example, if you were to see a venomous snake in your backyard, the Schachter–Singer theory argues that the snake would elicit sympathetic nervous system activation (physiological arousal) that would be cognitively labeled as fear (cognition) based on the context.

Q. What are the two factors proposed in the two factor theory quizlet?

Schachter proposed that human emotions contain two factors or parts: physical arousal and a cognitive label. According to Schachter, both of these elements must be present for you to experience an emotion.

Q. Which of the following is a way that the James-Lange theory of emotion differs from the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion group of answer choices?

Which of the following is a way that the James-Lange theory of emotion differs from the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion? According to the James-Lange theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal; according to the Schachter-Singer theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and a physiological factor.

Q. What is Ekman’s theory?

Ekman is best known for his work with facial expressions. He theorized that not all expressions are the result of culture. Instead, they express universal emotions and are therefore biological.

Q. Is emotions conscious or unconscious?

Emotion is an innate, powerful, and principally unconscious process. It alerts us to problems but doesn’t bother us with processes that don’t require conscious attention.

Q. What is the most frequent emotion?

The most frequent emotion was joy, followed by love and anxiety. People experienced positive emotions 2.5 times more often than negative emotions, but also experienced positive and negative emotions simultaneously relatively frequently.

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What research method did Schachter and Singer use?.
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