What reasons does Creon give for making his decree?

What reasons does Creon give for making his decree?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat reasons does Creon give for making his decree?

King Creon’s decree is that Eteocles will have a full military burial for defending Thebes with his life. Polynices however, because of his dishonor towards Thebes will have his body left unburied above ground, to be eaten by scavengers and wild beasts.

Q. What does Creon decree at the beginning of the play?

Analysis. The opening events of the play quickly establish the central conflict. Creon has decreed that the traitor Polynices must not be given proper burial, and Antigone is the only one who will speak against this decree and insist on the sacredness of family.

Q. What reason does Creon give for refusing to bury Polyneices?

Creon refused to bury Polyneices because Polyneices started a war with his native city, Thebes after he was exiled to spill blood and sell his people into slavery. Creon thinks that the only punishment acceptable for this deed is to leave Polyneices unburied.

Q. What reason does Creon give for his ruling concerning the bodies of Polyneices and eteocles?

What reason does Creon give for his ruling concerning the bodies of Polyneices and Eteocles? He says that Polyneices is a traitor and Eteocles was a hero. How does the Chorus react? The Guard is an ordinary person, even somewhat humorous.

Q. Who is supposed to marry Creon’s son?


Q. What did Antigone do to bury Polyneices?

Brief Summary Antigone’s uncle, Creon, declares that Eteocles will be buried with honor, but that Polyneices’ body will be left for the dogs. Despite her uncle’s decree, Antigone buries Polyneices and is sentenced by Creon to be buried alive.

Q. Why did Antigone come back to the body a second time?

“Sophocles has Antigone successfully perform and escape from the first burial because her doing so is necessary to occasion the subsequent scene with Creon and the guard; and that Antigone,then,must perform a second burial in order to provide an occasion for her capture.”

Q. Did Polyneices get buried?

In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, Polynices’ story continues after his death. King Creon, who ascended to the throne of Thebes, decreed that Polynices was not to be buried or even mourned, on pain of death by stoning.

Q. What did Creon see when he looked through into Antigone’s tomb?

Describe what Creon saw when he looked through the crevice into Antigone’s tomb. Creon saw Haimon weeping over Antigone’s dead body. She had hanged herself with her own veil. Haimon was holding her body close to him and crying that “his father had stolen her away from him”.

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What reasons does Creon give for making his decree?.
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