What position has the most potential energy?

What position has the most potential energy?

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The amount of gravitational potential energy an object has depends on its height and mass. The heavier the object and the higher it is above the ground, the more gravitational potential energy it holds.

Q. What kind of energy does a wind up toy use?

potential energy

Q. Does a wind up toy have chemical energy?

A battery in a flashlight stores chemical energy that it releases as electrical energy when you turn on the flashlight. A similar thing happens in the windup toy. The spring in the toy stores up potential energy until you release it. Then the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, and the toy moves.

Q. Where does a wind up toy car get its energy?

In the simplest design, a spiral spring is attached to a winder and a gear. When you rotate the winder with force, the energy is stored in the wound up spring as potential energy.

Q. At what point does the ball have the most kinetic energy?

When the ball is held at its highest point, it has potential energy, specifically gravitational potential energy. 2. When the ball is falling towards the table, it has kinetic energy. It has the most kinetic energy at the very end of its descent when it is moving the fastest.

Q. What affects the bounce height of a ball?

The combination of the material properties of a ball (surface textures, actual materials, amount of air, hardness/ softness, and so on) affects the height of its bounce.

Q. What is the relationship between drop height and bounce height?

The relationship between drop height and bounce height is only linear for small drop heights. Once a ball reaches a certain height, the bounce height will begin to level off because the ball will reach its terminal velocity.

Q. Why is it important to drop the ball from the same height three times?

When all three balls are dropped from the same height, the rubber ball will bounce the highest because it has the greatest elasticity. This is because the higher the starting height of the ball, the higher the ball’s potential energy. An object has potential energy because of its position.

Q. Why does the height of a bouncing ball decreases?

During a collision, some of the ball’s energy is converted into heat. As no energy is added to the ball, the ball bounces back with less kinetic energy and cannot reach quite the same height. It reaches way higher than from the height it was released.

Q. Why is energy lost during bouncing?

The total energy is constant between bounces if we neglect air friction. We have the kinetic energy of the ball and the potential energy due to gravity. For example, if a ball bounces 80% of its height on each bounce, then the ball is losing 20% of its energy on each bounce.

Q. Does the surface you bounce the ball on matter in bounce height?

When a basketball bounces off of a surface, some of its energy is absorbed by that surface. A hard surface, such as concrete, absorbs less energy compared with a soft surface, such as a carpeted floor. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce.

Q. Why does a ball eventually stop rolling?

The force in question is friction. There is also friction between the ground and part of the ball that touches the ground as it rolls. The friction force acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the ball, slowing it and eventually stopping it.

Q. Can a ball roll forever?

If a ball undergoes motion and is rolling over a velocity of 15m/s. So due to this friction, velocity of the ball will become zero and the ball will come in its intial rest position. Due to “Kinetic Friction” ball does not roll forever.

Q. What force slows down a rolling ball?

rolling friction

Q. Which force causes a rolling ball to stop after a few seconds?


Q. Which of the following forces causes object to slow down and eventually stop?

Newton says that a body in motion will stay in motion until an outside force acts upon it. In this and most other real world cases, this outside force is friction. The friction between your ice skates and the ice is what causes you to slow down and eventually stop.

Q. Why can’t a ball roll continuously on a rough surface?

Answer: The rough texture of the surface blocks the movement of the ball. The rough texture of the surface permits the movement of the ball.

Q. When you roll a ball across the floor it comes to a stop?

The reason a moving object slows down is that its force of motion gradually runs out. the ground exerts against his foot. When you roll a ball across the floor, it comes to a stop because you are no longer exerting a force on it.

Q. Why do objects eventually stop moving?

Objects stop moving because they lose energy,especially as other forces act upon them. When you kick a ball,you have drag from the wind and he surface eventually slowing it down(friction),gravity can also come into play if it leaves the surface. A force is not required to keep a moving book in motion.

Q. Is force necessary to keep the ball rolling Why?

In the absence of any forces, no force is required to keep an object moving. An object (such as a ball) tossed in the earth’s atmosphere slows down because of air resistance (a force).

Q. When you throw a ball upward causes the path of the ball to?

When we throw a ball upwards, its speed retards gradually. This is because the earth produces a gravitational force which brings down everything that goes up. So when a ball is thrown upward the gravity applies force to bring it down which decreases its speed of going up.

Q. What is value of G?

Its value is 9.8 m/s2 on Earth. That is to say, the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the earth at sea level is 9.8 m/s2. When discussing the acceleration of gravity, it was mentioned that the value of g is dependent upon location.

Q. What is acceleration at the highest point?


Q. Is acceleration zero at the turn around point?

Acceleration is always smaller then velocity. A point where an object reverses its direction. At a turning point, its velocity is zero. Afterwards, its velocity becomes.

Q. At what point is the acceleration of the ball zero?

Acceleration equals 0. The ball is temporarily motionless. -9.8 m/s/s; the ball must stop before it changes direction to fall back down so the velocity at the apex of the trip is 0 but a is always 9.81 m/s/s at all times.

Q. What is the acceleration just before reaching the highest point?

9.81 meters/second/second

Q. When you throw a pebble straight up with initial speed v it reaches?

When you throw a pebble straight up with initial speed V, it reaches a maximum height H with no air resistance. At what speed should you throw it up vertically so it will go twice as high? When you drop a pebble from height H, it reaches the ground with speed V if there is no air resistance.

Q. How much time would it take for an object to fall 4.7 meters?

We need to find the time taken by the object to fall 4.7 m. So, So, the required time is equal to 0.97 seconds.

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