What kind of feelings does the poem create?

What kind of feelings does the poem create?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat kind of feelings does the poem create?

The poem creates a mystical, lonely, strange and eerie feeling.

Q. What is the opposite of sentimentality?

Antonyms: unemotional, tough. Synonyms: slushy, hokey, schmaltzy, drippy, soppy, mushy, soupy, bathetic, schmalzy, maudlin, kitschy, mawkish.

Q. How do you use sentimentality in a sentence?

Sentimentality sentence example

  1. “Is it just sentimentality , old wives’ tales, or is she right?” he asked himself.
  2. The indefensible indecency and overstrained sentimentality are on the surface; but after a time every repellent defect is forgotten in the enjoyment of the exquisite literary art.

Q. Who is the speaker in the poem the listeners?

Answer. Answer: The speakers are the Machines which is the brain child of man. The listeners are the readers of this poem.

Q. Who is the speaker and who is the listener?

The listener is just as important as the speaker; neither one is effective without the other. The listener is the person or persons who have assembled to hear the oral message.

Q. Is there anyone there said the traveler?

“Is there anybody there?” said the Traveller, Knocking on the moonlit door; And his horse in the silence champed the grasses Of the forest’s ferny floor: And a bird flew up out of the turret, Above the Traveller’s head: And he smote upon the door again a second time; “Is there anybody there?” he said.

Q. Who is the one man left awake in the listeners?


Q. Why did Traveller knock at the door?

The traveller knocked at the door because he had promised someone he would come there. But when he reached there ,nobody opened the door to recieve him which indicated that there was nobody in the house.

Q. Why did the Traveller came to the house?

The Traveller wanted to see the Listeners in the poem “The Listeners” because he had promised that he would return to visit people who were supposed to be at this house. Therefore, the Traveller is a man of his word as he is doing what he assured others he would do.

Q. Why does the poet calls himself a Traveller?

(i) Why does the poet call himself a traveler? His lips and pale and steel does not feel the poet arm. Ans (iii) The Shepherd follow his ship all the day. Ans (iv) The poet call the Sleepless because it isnever calm as the waves are always in motion.

Q. Did the Traveller Realise that someone was listening to him?

Answer. Answer: yes! he realized that there was someone listening to him…..

Q. How do you know that it was a very old building and no one lives there?

Silence is a repeated motif in the poem. Reader attention is drawn to the fact that the house is unusually quiet and still. The words chosen by Walter de la Mare tell us that the house of “The Listeners” is old and deserted, uninhabited by any living person.

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What kind of feelings does the poem create?.
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