What is the volume of this object?

What is the volume of this object?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the volume of this object?

To find the volume of a rectangular object, measure the length, width and height. Multiply the length times the width and multiply the result by the height. The result is the volume. Give the result in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters.

Q. What is the formula of volume of solid?

Volume Formulas of Various Geometric Figures

ShapesVolume FormulaVariables
Rectangular Solid or CuboidV = l × w × hl = Length w = Width h = Height
CubeV = a3a = Length of edge or side
CylinderV = πr2hr = Radius of the circular base h = Height
PrismV = B × hB = Area of base, (B = side2 or length.breadth) h = Height

Q. What is the volume of this shape?

Let’s learn!

Geometric Shape Name:Volume Formula:
CubeVolume = a³ , where a is length of each side.
Rectangular PrismVolume = l × w × h , where l is length, w is width and h is height.
SphereVolume = 4/3 πr³ , where r is the radius.
CylinderVolume = πr²h , where r is the radius and h is the height.

Q. What is volume of square?

Volume is measured in “cubic” units. Volume of a cube = side times side times side. Since each side of a square is the same, it can simply be the length of one side cubed. If a square has one side of 4 inches, the volume would be 4 inches times 4 inches times 4 inches, or 64 cubic inches.

Q. How do you find volume from dimensions?

Divide the volume by the product of the length and width to calculate the height of a rectangular object. For this example, the rectangular object has a length of 20, a width of 10 and a volume of 6,000. The product of 20 and 10 is 200, and 6,000 divided by 200 results in 30. The height of the object is 30.

Q. How do you find the surface area and volume of a cube?

So for a cube, the formulas for volume and surface area are V=s3 V = s 3 and S=6s2 S = 6 s 2 .

Q. What is the changing relationship between volume and surface area as an object gets bigger?

As a cell grows bigger, its internal volume enlarges and the cell membrane expands. Unfortunately, the volume increases more rapidly than does the surface area, and so the relative amount of surface area available to pass materials to a unit volume of the cell steadily decreases.

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