What is the three major types of volcano?

What is the three major types of volcano?

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Lesson Summary

Q. What do you call to a volcano that is no longer erupting but is likely to erupt again in the future?

Dormant volcanoes have not erupted for a very long time but may erupt at a future time. Extinct volcanoes are not expected to erupt in the future. Inside an active volcano is a chamber in which molten rock, called magma, collects.

Q. What type of volcano is most explosive?

Composite volcanoes

  • Composite, shield, cinder cones, and supervolcanoes are the main types of volcanoes.
  • Composite volcanoes are tall, steep cones that produce explosive eruptions.
  • Shield volcanoes form very large, gently sloped mounds from effusive eruptions.

Q. What is the coldest volcano?

Oldoinyo Lengai

Q. What happens if you tap lava?

Lava won’t kill you if it briefly touches you. You would get a nasty burn, but unless you fell in and couldn’t get out, you wouldn’t die. With prolonged contact, the amount of lava “coverage” and the length of time it was in contact with your skin would be important factors in how severe your injuries would be!

Q. Has someone survived falling in lava?

Soldier survives 70-foot fall into active Hawaiia’s Kilauea volcano. A 32-year-old soldier attempting to get a better view inside of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano fell in Wednesday night, authorities said. He was seriously injured, but survived after falling 70 feet into the volcano’s crater.

Q. Would you die instantly if you fell into lava?

Most lava is very hot—about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At those temperatures, a human would probably burst into flames and either get extremely serious burns or die. Unlike a lake, people won’t immediately sink into lava.

Q. Can a person live if cut in half?

You will die and it won’t be pretty, there is nothing that can be done because you need a hospital and a team of trauma surgeons in about two minutes or less depending on body size. You have almost no chance of surviving being cut in half.

Q. Will a snake die if you cut it in half?

But snakes and other ectotherms, which don’t need as much oxygen to fuel the brain, can probably live on for minutes or even hours, Penning said. “Severing the head isn’t going to cause immediate death in the animal,” Penning told Live Science.

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