What is the Tagalog of status?

What is the Tagalog of status?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the Tagalog of status?

status. kalagayan; kalagayan ng; na kalagayan; katayuan; May be synonymous with: English.

Q. What means Soberanya?

Definition of soberanya: soberanya is an alternate spelling of the Tagalog word soberaniya. Alternate spellings may include abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations of a word. Base word: soberaniya. [noun] sovereignty.

Q. Whats does sovereignty mean?

Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order. Derived from the Latin superanus through the French souveraineté, the term was originally understood to mean the equivalent of supreme power.

Q. What is sovereignty in simple words?

Sovereignty is the supreme authority within a territory. Sovereignty entails hierarchy within the state, as well as external autonomy for states.

Q. What is the meaning of Estado?

Tagalog. state (government); 2. estate (situation of life)

Q. What is another word for condition?

What is another word for condition?


Q. What is an example of a condition?

The definition of condition is the state something or someone is in or can also refer to a specific illness. An example of condition is a brand new sofa with no defects. An example of a condition is a harsh work environment. An example of a condition is a cold or the flu.

Q. What is the other word for poor?

SYNONYMS FOR poor 1 needy, indigent, necessitous, straitened, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken.

Q. What is difference between condition and situation?

Condition: the state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. Example: “This shirt is in great condition!” Situation: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. Example: “It was a terrible situation to be in.”

Q. What are the different types of condition?

Four Types of Conditionals

  • if (or when) + present tense | present tense.
  • if (or when) + past tense | past tense.
  • if + present tense | will (may/might/can/could/should) + infinitive.
  • if + past subjunctive | would/might/could + infinitive (simple or continuous)
  • *if + simple past | would/might/could + infinitive (simple or continuous)

Q. What is difference between condition and warranty?

A condition is an obligation which requires being fulfilled before another proposition takes place. A warranty is a surety given by the seller regarding the state of the product.

Q. What are the three ways in which delivery of goods may be made?

There are various forms of delivery as follows: Actual Delivery: If the goods are physically given into the possession of the buyer, the delivery is an actual delivery. Constructive delivery: The transfer of goods can be done even when the transfer is effected without a change in the possession or custody of the goods.

Q. What is condition in a contract?

A condition in contract law spells out the obligation to fulfill duties between parties in a contract. They are standard in valid contracts and, in fact, the essence of any agreement between two or more parties to a sale, real estate transaction or agreement to provide a service.

Q. Can warranty be treated as condition?

Conditions were treated as warranties only under remedial purposes to the buyer. Under certain circumstances, when a condition is reduced to the status of warranty then the buyer loses his right to reject the goods in that case and hence condition is treated as warranty.

Q. When can a condition be treated as warranty examples?

Acceptance of goods by buyer: Where a contract of sale is not severable, ie. it is indivisible and the buyer has accepted the goods or part thereof, the breach of any condition is to be treated as a breach of a warranty.

Q. What happens if a condition is breached?

A term of a contract which is of such vital importance that it goes to the root of the transaction; essentially it is a major term of the contract. Breach of a condition gives rise to the claimant’s right to terminate the contract (treat the contract as discharged) and claim damages for any loss.

Q. When Should conditions be treated as warranties?

16 When condition to be treated as warranty (1) Where a contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the seller, the buyer may waive the condition or may elect to treat the breach of such condition as a breach of warranty and not as a ground for treating the contract as repudiated.

Q. What are implied conditions?

a condition in a contract that is not expressly stated or written. It maybe implied by fact and deed, viz. the parties’ actings; or it may be implied by law, either case law or statute. For an example, see QUALITY.

Q. Is warranty essential to the contract?

A warranty is only collateral to the main purpose of the contract. It is essential to the main purpose of the contract. Exemption from performance in case of a breach of the stipulation. The aggrieved party can repudiate the contract and is exempted from performance and can also claim damages.

Q. What are the peculiarities of conditions of contract?

A simple contract is an agreement made by two parties. This agreement can be an oral or a written one. There must be an offer, consideration, and an acceptance to make it valid.

Q. What are the essential of contract of sale?

All essentials of a Valid contract: A contract of sale is a special type of contract, therefore, to be valid, it must have all the essential elements of a valid contract, viz., free consent, consideration, competency of contracting parties, lawful object, legal formalities to be completed, etc.

Q. What is the result of contract with minor?

Ratification of minor’s agreement: An agreement with a minor is void and therefore it cannot be ratified by the after attaining the age of majority and the consideration given to the minor during minority cannot be a valid consideration for the promise made by him after attaining the majority.

Q. What is minor contract?

A minor is one who has not attained the age of 18, and for every contract, the majority is a condition precedent. By looking at the Indian law, minor’s agreement is a void one, meaning thereby that it has no value in the eye of the law, and it is null and void as it cannot be enforced by either party to the contract.

Q. Is a contract with a minor valid?

Minors Have No Capacity to Contract Minors (those under the age of 18, in most states) lack the capacity to make a contract. So a minor who signs a contract can either honor the deal or void the contract. For example, in most states, a minor cannot void a contract for necessities like food, clothing, and lodging.

Q. What is estoppel rule?

In its simplest sense, doctrine of Estoppels, precludes a person from denying or to negate anything to the contrary of that which has been constituted as truth, either by his own actions, by his deeds or by his representations or by the acts of judicial or legislative officers.

Q. What is estoppel example?

If the court has established in a criminal trial that someone is guilty of murder, the legal doctrine preventing the murderer from denying his guilt in a civil trial is an example of estoppel. …

Q. What are the exceptions to estoppel?


  • It does not apply to those matters where both parties have the knowledge of truthfulness.
  • It does not apply against statutes.
  • It does not apply to regulations.
  • It does not apply to ultra virus orders and decisions.
  • It does not apply to questions of law.
  • It does not apply to sovereign acts of the government.

Q. How do you prove estoppel?

The key elements for equitable estoppel include the misrepresentation or coverup of data and facts, the knowledge of the facts, a clear intention to be fraudulent, inducement and reliance, damages, injury has been incurred by the complainant, and proof of culpability or blameworthiness.

What is this Document? This powerful document is the Tenant Estoppel Certificate (TEC). The TEC is a legally binding document where a tenant represents or promises certain things to be true. These “things” relate to the relationship between the landlord and the terms of the lease.

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What is the Tagalog of status?.
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