What is the smallest electric force between two charges placed at a distance of 0.1 m?

What is the smallest electric force between two charges placed at a distance of 0.1 m?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the smallest electric force between two charges placed at a distance of 0.1 m?

Answer. Fmin=2.3×10 to the power −28N.

Q. What is the relation between force and dielectric constant?

Dielectric constant of a medium is defined as the ratio of forces between two charges placed in vacuum to medium without any change in magnitude of charges and their distance. Therefore, as K decreases there will be an increase in force.

Q. Why is force inversely proportional to permittivity?

Permittivity is the property to material to offer hindrance to charge to interact with one another hence force and permittivity have inverse relation. Explanation: Permittivity of any given material is the property of material to offer obstruction to the flow of charge or hindrance between charges to interact.

Q. What is the minimum force between two charges?

u knw tht,, F= kq1q2 / r2…. nw for a given value of distance, force will be minimum when charge is minimum,,, and minimum value of charge is that carried by a free electron i.e 1.6 * 10 raise to power – 19 c………. so minimum value of electrostatic force is b/w two electrons………..

Q. What is the minimum electrical force?

Minimum possible charge is charge of electron.

Q. What is the value of minimum force?


Q. When electrostatic force is maximum?

Suppose that the two charges are ‘ Let F be the force between them. Then, From the above equation, it is clear that for a given distance, electrostatic force is maximum when they are placed in vacuum.

Q. What is the minimum electrostatic force between two charges placed at 1 meter?

Greetings! We know that, F=(1/4πε0)(q^1q^2)/r^2. F will be minimum when q1andq2 are minimum i. e. q1=q2=1.6×10−19.

Q. What is the unit of an electric field?


Q. What is the force between +1C and − 2C separated by a distance of 1m in air?

3. Find the force between 2C and -1C separated by a distance 1m in air(in newton). Explanation: F = q1q2/(4∏εor2) = -2 X 9/(10-9 X 12) = -18 X 109.

Q. How do you calculate Q1 and Q3?

Q1 is the median (the middle) of the lower half of the data, and Q3 is the median (the middle) of the upper half of the data. (3, 5, 7, 8, 9), | (11, 15, 16, 20, 21). Q1 = 7 and Q3 = 16. Step 5: Subtract Q1 from Q3.

Q. How do you find the 1st and 3rd quartile?

The first quartile, denoted by Q1 , is the median of the lower half of the data set. This means that about 25% of the numbers in the data set lie below Q1 and about 75% lie above Q1 . The third quartile, denoted by Q3 , is the median of the upper half of the data set.

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What is the smallest electric force between two charges placed at a distance of 0.1 m?.
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