What is the similar word of polite?

What is the similar word of polite?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the similar word of polite?

Polite Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for polite?

Q. What are affixes and prefixes?

An affix is added to the root of a word to change its meaning. An affix added to the front of a word is known as a prefix. One added to the back is known as a suffix. Sometimes, prefixes are hyphenated.

Q. What is a affixes sentence?

An affix is a set of letters generally added to the beginning or end of a root word to modify its meaning. The two main types of affixes are prefixes and suffixes. In the “untouchable” example above, “un-” is the prefix and “-able” is the suffix. For another example, let’s examine the root word reserve.

Q. What is a prefix sentence example?

Alice hasn’t complained of any discomfort. He became a superstar overnight. If I’ve misjudged you, I’m terribly sorry.

Q. What is the prefix for expensive?

The prefix word of ‘expensive’ is ‘in’. The new word formed is ‘inexpensive. *The new word generated- inexpensive is the antonym of the given word. Expensive- something which is costly or highly priced.


Q. How can I be respectful and polite?

7 Ways to Be Respectful (And a One-Step Trick to Getting More Respect From Others)

  1. Listen and be present.
  2. Be thoughtful of others’ feelings.
  3. Acknowledge others and say thank you.
  4. Address mistakes with kindness.
  5. Make decisions based on what’s right, not who you like.
  6. Respect physical boundaries.
  7. Live and let live.

Q. What’s an etiquette?

Basic Definition The noun “etiquette” describes the requirements of behaviors according to the conventions of society. It includes the proper conduct that is established by a community for various occasions, including ceremonies, court, formal events and everyday life.

Q. What is the prefix of understanding?

One holds that the under- prefix also meant between or among, and to understand was to stand between things in order to separate and discern among them.

Q. What suffix means dilation?

SUFFIX – dilatation (dilation, enlargement) or stretching of a structure or part. -ectasia, -ectasis Angiectasis means dilation of a blood or lymph vessel. PREFIX – swelling. -edema – Edema is a word that means the presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissues.

Q. What is the suffix for pain?

algia. a suffix meaning pain, painful condition.

Q. Which suffix indicates a painful condition?


Q. What is the medical suffix for pain?

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What is the similar word of polite?.
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