What is the significance of the dog biscuits that Tom mentions?

What is the significance of the dog biscuits that Tom mentions?

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The dog biscuit is to a ‘begging’ dog as is the party in Myrtle’s apartment. Fitzgerald is making an analogy between the lure of a dog biscuit to a dog is not all that different from the lure Myrtle has for her apartment in NYC.

Q. Why is the puppy included in Chapter 2?

The puppy appears in Chapter Two of The Grey Gatsby and Fitzgerald has included it because it reveals a lot of important information about Myrtle. By desiring a puppy “for the apartment,” Myrtle is demonstrating her need for someone to love and care for at home, in the absence of existing, meaningful relationships.

Q. Why does Myrtle want a puppy?

It is interesting that Myrtle wants a dog for several reasons. First, dogs are known as “man’s best friend,” and something within Myrtle seems to stir toward loyalty. She isn’t being loyal to her husband, and her lover is married himself; yet, here she is, reaching out for something to fulfill this void in her life.

Q. Who buys a dog in The Great Gatsby?

Canines appear in chapter 2 when Myrtle Wilson decides that she needs a dog. She begs Tom Buchanan to buy her a puppy because, she explains, it will make a cute 45 Page 2 addition to her apartment.

Q. What does Myrtle’s puppy symbolize?

The puppy in The Great Gatsby is significant in two ways. First, it represents an attempt by Myrtle to solidify and domesticate her adulterous relationship with Tom. Later, the puppy plays a larger, more significant role in the novel. He is actually the reason George Wilson discovers his wife’s infidelity.

Q. Why is Catherine scared of Gatsby?

Catherine says she’s afraid of Gatsby because she’s heard that he’s a relative of the German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm, and everyone agrees that Gatsby is involved in some sort of shifty business. Rumors swirl around Gatsby. He has become so rich and is so mysterious he seems almost hollow—all surface and no substance.

Q. Why did Tom and Daisy not divorce?

Myrtle believes that the only reason Tom will not divorce Daisy is because Daisy is Catholic. But we learn that Tom’s feelings for Myrtle are far less intense than he has led her to believe and that social pressure prevents him from ever leaving Daisy, who comes from a similar upper-class background.

Q. Who does Catherine say she is scared of why?

It is Myrtle’s sister Catherine who confides to Nick regarding Gatsby: “I’m scared of him. I’d hate to have him get anything on me.” She has only been to Gatsby’s once at one of his parties.

Q. What is Tom’s reason for slapping Myrtle?

Tom hits Myrtle because she refused to obey him, but also in defense of Daisy; he feels strongly about both women. Tom’s outburst therefore shows that he has difficulty handling complex emotions. He responds with violence to maintain control.

Q. Why does Daisy cry at Gatsby’s house?

In chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby, Daisy cries “stormily” over Gatsby’s shirts because his wardrobe proves his wealth, and she recognizes that she missed out on the opportunity to marry him and likely regrets settling for Tom.

Q. Why does Tom slap myrtle at the end of chapter 2?

When Nick first meet Daisy, she is complaining that Tom is a “brute” and he hurt her little finger. In Chapter Two, Tom’s explosive anger is actually revealed as Nick and the others in the apartment see him hit Myrtle in order to stop her taunting.

Q. What did myrtle say about Daisy?

Myrtle says she will say Daisy’s name any time she wants, so Tom slaps her across the face and breaks her nose.

Q. Why does Daisy kill Myrtle?

Myrtle was killed by Jay Gatsby’s car. She thought that her lover, Tom, was driving the car. Daisy happened to be driving Gatsby’s car at this point, and was so upset by earlier events that she was not able to correctly handle the vehicle. Sadly, Daisy struck and killed Myrtle.

Q. How does Myrtle’s speech reveal her?

How does Myrtle’s speech reveal her character? Her dialect shows that she is uneducated and part of the lower class. Tom does not care about his marriage, and telling Myrtle to stop talking about daisy. Myrtle also does not care about her marriage, and she is also going to the city with tom.

Q. What does Myrtle say changed her feelings for her husband?

What does Myrtle say changed her feelings for her husband after they were married? Myrtle says her feelings changed for her husband after they were married because she realized he really inst a gentlemen and hes very poor. plus she found out He borrowed his wedding suit.

Q. Why is Myrtle unhappy with her marriage?

Myrtle says that her marriage has no hope. She made a mistake marrying him bc he is poor. She is trying to justify cheting on her. You just studied 5 terms!

Q. Why did Myrtle marry George if she didn’t love him?

What reason did Myrtle give for marrying George Wilson? She had to do something to get away from her abusive parents. She did it to spite George’s former girlfriend. She thought he was a gentleman; later she found out differently.

Q. Why did Myrtle immediately know that marrying George was a mistake?

Myrtle Wilson, one drunken evening, in her love nest with Tom Buchanan, tells her sister and the rest of her guests that she married George Wilson because she thought “‘he was a gentleman’” (Fitzgerald 39).

Q. When did Myrtle realize that she had made a mistake in marrying George?

When Catherine counters with “You were crazy about him for a while,” Mrytle retorts, “The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out.”

Q. What told Mrs Wilson that she had made a mistake in marrying her husband?

Wilson’s relationship. How did Myrtle know she made a “mistake” when she married Wilson? Myrtle realized she made a mistake because he borrowed another man’s suit to get married in and didn’t tell her about it. He wasn’t as rich as she thought he was, and she says “he wasn’t fit to lick [her] shoe”.

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