What is the significance of negative magnification and magnification less than 1?

What is the significance of negative magnification and magnification less than 1?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the significance of negative magnification and magnification less than 1?

Answer. If the magnification is less than 1 then the image formed is inverted and real as size of image is smaller than size of object. This image is formed when object is placed between optical centre and focus of curvature of lens or mirror.

Q. In which case magnification is less than 1?

In a concave mirror, when the distance of the object is less than the focal length, the magnification will be greater than one. When the distance of the object is greater than the focal length, then the magnification is less than one.

Q. Can the magnification be less than 1?

A magnification of 1 (plus or minus) means that the image is the same size as the object. If m has a magnitude greater than 1 the image is larger than the object, and an m with a magnitude less than 1 means the image is smaller thanthe object.

Q. What is the formula for magnification obtained with a lens in words?

Let’s explore the magnification formula (M= v/u) for lenses and see how to find the image height and its nature (whether it’s real or virtual).

Q. What is the relationship between focal length and magnification?

Magnifying power is inversely related to the focal length of a lens: the bigger the focal length, the lower the magnifying power.

Q. What is formula for magnification obtained with a mirror?

Correct Answer: D Magnification, m = – v/u A/C to mirror formula, 1/f = 1/v + 1/u or, 1/v = 1/f – 1/u or, v = uf / (u -f) Therefore, m = v/u = f / u -f IN THE LAST STEP ITS GIVEN THAT m = v/u BUT IN THE FIRST STEP ITS GIVEN m = – v/u CAN YOU JUST TELL ME WHATS GOING ON..??

Q. Which rules do we have to follow while finding magnification?

Answer. Answer: If the magnification is greater than one, the image is larger than the object, but if the magnification is smaller than one the image is smaller than the object. For example, if the magnification is one half, then the image appears to be half the size of the object.

Q. Which mirror can give an image of magnification?

The concave mirror can give an erect and enlarged image.

Q. What does the sign of magnification indicate?

The sign of magnification indicates nature of image, i.e., Negative sign indicates image to be inverted and real. Positive sign indicates image to be erect and virtual.

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What is the significance of negative magnification and magnification less than 1?.
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