What is the role of ATP in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

What is the role of ATP in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

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ATP is an important source of energy for biological processes. Energy is transferred from molecules such as glucose, to an intermediate energy source, ATP. ATP is a reservoir of potential chemical energy and acts as a common intermediate in metabolism, linking energy requiring and energy yielding reactions.

Q. What are the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation?

Describe the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation. Both produce ATP through the breakdown of carbon based molecules, and both allow glycolysis to continue by recycling electron acceptors. Cellular Respiration requires oxygen and produces much more ATP than fermentation.

Q. What are 3 differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of cells. While photosynthesis requires energy and produces food, cellular respiration breaks down food and releases energy. Plants perform both photosynthesis and respiration, while animals can only perform respiration.

Q. Where does cellular respiration occur?


Q. How fast does cellular respiration occur?

It is very hard to quantify and say exactly how long it takes for one round of cellular respiration. We do know that it occurs very quickly. Cells do not stockpile ATP which means that as soon as ATP is used up more needs to be made. Cellular respiration, more than likely, occurs in milliseconds.

Q. What are the 3 main parts of cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a collection of three unique metabolic pathways: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain.

Q. Does cellular respiration occur at night?

Cellular Respiration in plants occur both during the day and in the night, but the rate of respiration will be high during the night.

Q. Why is cellular respiration higher at night?

Dark – Only respiration takes place. Oxygen is consumed while carbon dioxide is released in plant respiration at night. Bright sunlight – Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and makes oxygen faster than respiration produces carbon dioxide and consumes oxygen. Extra oxygen is released into the atmosphere.

Q. Does cellular respiration only occur in the dark?

Cellular respiration can happen in darkness, so the bottles that turned yellow means the organisms went through the process of Cellular respiration. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is removed and that is why the water turns blue. If both organisms had cellular respiration in the dark, the yellow brighter and bolder.

Q. What time of day does cellular respiration occur?

Respiration is essential for all living organisms and this includes plants. If respiration stops in a plant it will die, so plants constantly respire during the day and through the night. Respiration is a different process to photosynthesis, which depends on sunlight and therefore takes place only during the day.

Q. What two stages does cellular respiration occur?

Cellular respiration occurs in three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process. The other two stages are aerobic processes. The products of cellular respiration are needed for photosynthesis, and vice versa.

Q. What is needed for cellular respiration to occur?

Oxygen and glucose are both reactants in the process of cellular respiration. The main product of cellular respiration is ATP; waste products include carbon dioxide and water.

Q. What are the steps in cellular respiration?

The stages of cellular respiration include glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid or Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Q. What are the outputs of cellular respiration?

Unit 5: Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration

What are the inputs of cellular respiration?Glucose, oxygen
What are the outputs of cellular respiration?Carbon dioxide, water, energy (ATP)
What is the site of cellular respiration?Mitochondria

Q. What is process of respiration?

Respiration is the process by which energy is released from food in our body. The function of respiratory system is to breathe in oxygen for respiration producing energy from food, and to breathe out carbon dioxide produced by respiration. Gases exchanged are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Q. What are the 4 steps in respiration?

Aerobic respiration involves four stages:

  • glycolysis,
  • a transition reaction that forms acetyl coenzyme A,
  • the citric acid (Krebs) cycle, and an electron transport chain and.
  • chemiosmosis.

Q. What are the two types of respiration?

There are two types of Respiration:

  • Aerobic Respiration — Takes place in the presence of oxygen.
  • Anaerobic Respiration –Takes place in the absence of oxygen.

Q. What is the simple definition of respiration?

In physiology, respiration is the movement of oxygen from the outside environment to the cells within tissues, and the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. In contrast, exhalation (breathing out) is usually a passive process.

Q. What is respiration and types?

Respiration is the process of gas exchange between the air and an organism’s cells. Three types of respiration include internal, external, and cellular respiration. It involves inhalation and exhalation of gases. Internal respiration involves gas exchange between the blood and body cells.

Q. What is another name for respiration?

What is another word for respiration?

outbreathbreathing out
blowing outpant

Q. What is respiration with diagram?

Diagram of the Human Respiratory System (Infographic) The primary organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, which function to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as we breathe. The gas exchange process is performed by the lungs and respiratory system. Air, a mix of oxygen and other gases, is inhaled.

Q. What are the 11 parts of respiratory system?

These are the parts:

  • Nose.
  • Mouth.
  • Throat (pharynx)
  • Voice box (larynx)
  • Windpipe (trachea)
  • Large airways (bronchi)
  • Small airways (bronchioles)
  • Lungs.

Q. What is the part of lungs?

The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax). The trachea (windpipe) conducts inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches, called bronchi. The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic.

Q. What is the part of breathing system?

What Are the Parts of the Respiratory System? The respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs. Air enters the respiratory system through the nose or the mouth.

Q. What two respiratory infections are caused by viruses?

Causes of Common Viral Respiratory Syndromes

SyndromeCommon Causes
Common coldRhinoviruses Coronaviruses
CroupParainfluenza viruses
Influenza-like illnessInfluenza viruses

Q. What virus attacks the respiratory system?

Parainfluenza viruses are most common but respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, enteroviruses and Mycoplasma pneumoniae have been implicated.

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