What is the relation between temperature and pressure class 7?

What is the relation between temperature and pressure class 7?

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In areas with low temperature, the air is cold and heavy so, it sinks down. This creates a high pressure area. High pressure is associated with clear and sunny skies.

Q. Does increasing temperature increase volume?

The volume of the gas increases as the temperature increases. As temperature increases, the molecules of the gas have more kinetic energy. If the container can expand, then the volume increases until the pressure returns to its original value.

Q. What is the relationship between temperature and pressure?

The pressure of a given amount of gas is directly proportional to the temperature at a given volume. When the temperature of a system goes up, the pressure also goes up, and vice versa. The relationship between pressure and temperature of a gas is stated by the Gay-Lussac’s law.

Q. Why is temperature and pressure directly proportional?

Gay Lussac’s Law – states that the pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature. If you heat a gas you give the molecules more energy so they move faster. This means more impacts on the walls of the container and an increase in the pressure.

Q. Do volume and temperature have a direct relationship?

If two letters are touching each other, they have a direct relationship. That is, pressure and temperature have a direct relationship, and volume and temperature have a direct relationship. That means if one of them goes up, the other will go up, assuming the third variable is held constant.

Q. What happens to pressure when volume increases?

For a fixed mass of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Or Boyle’s law is a gas law, stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship. If volume increases, then pressure decreases and vice versa, when the temperature is held constant.

Q. Why does pressure decrease when volume increases?

Because the volume has decreased, the particles will collide more frequently with the walls of the container. More collisions mean more force, so the pressure will increase. When the volume decreases, the pressure increases. This shows that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.

Q. What happens to volume if pressure and temperature are doubled?

If the pressure on the piston is again doubled, the volume of gas decreases to one-fourth its original volume. FIGURE 9.8 Boyle’s Law: At constant temperature, the volume of a gas sample is inversely proportional to the pressure.

Q. What increase in pressure will be needed to decrease the volume?

Therefore, the increase in pressure required to decrease the volume of the water sample by 0.01% is 2.1×105N/m2. Note: Bulk modulus should not be confused with young’s modulus or shear modulus.

Q. What happens to volume of water when temperature increases?

An increase in temperature caused the water molecules to gain energy and move more rapidly, which resulted in water molecules that are farther apart and an increase in water volume. When water is heated, it expands, or increases in volume. When water increases in volume, it becomes less dense.

Q. How does volume change with temperature?

So, that means that volume is directly proportional to temperature. Even then, since we increase the temperature inside a material, the molecules’ kinetic energy increases and they start to vibrate more and move around further from each other, therefore accounting for an increase in volume.

Q. Does water weight change with temperature?

The weight of a given mass of water does not change with temperature.

Q. At what temperature water has the least volume?

4 degree celsius

Q. At what temp water has least volume and highest density?

Water density changes with temperature and salinity. Density is measured as mass (g) per unit of volume (cm³). Water is densest at 3.98°C and is least dense at 0°C (freezing point).

Q. At what temperature water has maximum volume?

water has a maximum volume at 4 degree c and 1 atm . any body to explain this phenomenon.

Q. At what temperature water has highest density?

At 39°F (or 3.98°C to be exact) water is the most dense. This is because the molecules are closest together at this temperature. The closer the molecules, the heavier. The farther apart the molecules, the lighter.

Q. At what temperature water has maximum density and why?

When the water starts to cool, there is a decrease in warm water temperature, resulting in an increase in density. At 4°C, the clusters start to form resulting in a maximum density of water.

Q. Which matter has highest density?


Q. Which material has highest density?


Q. What is the densest liquid on Earth?

element mercury

Q. Can osmium kill you?

Osmium Tetroxide is lethal and can be bought on the internet for less than £17 a gram, but experts say it is not as dangerous as the sarin gas unleashed on the Tokyo subway in 1995 which killed 12 and injured 6,000. But when osmium is exposed to air, the highly toxic oxide osmium tetroxide is produced.

Q. Can osmium stop a bullet?

Osmium is extremely hard, as hard or harder than the steel of the barrel you are using. Osmium is so hard (nearly as hard as diamond) that in trying to force it into the narrower space of the rifling, you may simply shatter the bullet, because it it also very brittle.

Q. Can Duct Tape stop a bullet?

That works out at around 5″to 6″ thick layers of “tape.” There are around 100 layers of duct tape per inch thickness. I therefore give a ball park estimate of 500 layers of duct tape to stop a bullet. That works out at around 5″to 6″ thick layers of “tape.” There are around 100 layers of duct tape per inch thickness.

Q. Are Diamonds bulletproof?

It doesn’t seem unreasonable to wonder whether diamonds are bulletproof, since diamond is the world’s hardest natural material. Diamonds are not however bulletproof in general, as while they are hard, they are not particularly tough and their brittleness will cause them to shatter when struck by a bullet.

Q. What metal is bulletproof?

Created by melting aluminum around hollow metal spheres, composite metal foam is 70% lighter than sheet metal and can absorb 80 times more energy than steel. It is fireproof, radiation-resistant, and even bulletproof.

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