What is the opposite word of cause?

What is the opposite word of cause?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the opposite word of cause?

The direct antonym of cause is effect, while that of antecedent is consequent.

Q. What is another name for reason?


  • cause.
  • ground.
  • grounds.
  • interest.
  • justification.
  • motive.
  • rationale.
  • rationalization.

Q. Can bring about meaning?

phrasal verb. To bring something about means to cause it to happen. One way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country. [ VERB PARTICLE noun]

Q. Will affect meaning?

Most of the time, you’ll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and effect is so slippery that people have started using “impact” as a verb instead.

Q. What is cause and effect essay?

Cause and effect is a rhetorical style that discusses which events lead to specific results. A cause and effect essay is structured around the goal of discovering and discussing events that lead to certain results.

Q. What is the cause and effect of a sentence?

“Cause and effect” is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.

Q. What is cause and effect thinking?

Cause-and-effect thinking, or causality, allows us to make inferences and reason about things that happen around us. Causality helps us understand things as simple as “If I don’t water the plants they’ll die” to things more complicated such as other people’s intentions and behaviors.

Q. Why is cause and effect important in science?

Cause and effect are important concepts in both science and engineering as science seeks to create explanations, and engineering seeks to reach design solutions. Scientists attempt to uncover and understand cause and effect relationships through well-designed experiments and investigations.

Q. What is cause and effect matrix?

What is a Cause and Effect Matrix? Cause and effect matrix is a six sigma tool uses to prioritize the key process input variables (KPIVs) based on priorities of customer outputs (KPOVs). In other words it establish the correlation between process input variables to the customer’s outputs during root cause analysis.

Q. What is cause and effect play?

Cause and effect play often happens spontaneously when a young child discovers that some action that they initiate has a certain effect, often surprising or funny.

Q. Can 3 year old understand cause and effect?

“Taking a 3-year-old to a gym or karate class will give him the social contact he craves and let him release energy,” says Dr. Karp. “At this age, kids need that as much as they need affection and food.” He also knows right from wrong, understands cause and effect, and retains information for several hours.

Q. What is cause and effect toys?

Cause and effect toys teach children that their actions can cause something to happen. Although the toys all look completely different, each one responds immediately once it is activated which shows a child that their actions can control their environment.

Q. At what age do babies understand cause and effect?

around 9 months

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