What is the name of the process that occurs at the Mid-Ocean Ridge?

What is the name of the process that occurs at the Mid-Ocean Ridge?

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Seafloor spreading

Q. What boundaries are found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a mid-ocean ridge, a divergent or constructive plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and part of the longest mountain range in the world.

Q. What is the role of mid-ocean ridge in the movement of lithospheric plates?

The mid-ocean ridge represents an area where, in accordance with plate tectonic theory, lithospheric plates (also called tectonic plates) move apart and new crust is created by magma (molten rock) pushing up from the mantle . …

Q. What is mid-ocean ridge made of?

The material that erupts at spreading centers along the mid-ocean ridge is primarily basalt, the most common rock on Earth. Because this spreading occurs on a sphere, the rate separation along the mid-ocean ridge varies around the globe.

Q. How do mid-ocean ridges form quizlet?

How do mid-ocean ridges form? Underneath the ocean, deep in the earth convection currents bring molten material up to the upper mantle. This material rises through faults (cracks) between oceanic plates that are moving away from one another. This material fills the cracks, hardens, and forms new crust.

Q. What do ridges and rises have in common?

What do ridges and rises have in common? They both have a prominent rift valley at the ridge axis. They are both associated with divergent plate boundaries. They are both found predominantly on land.

Q. What’s the difference between mid ocean ridge and trench?

Explanation: Mid ocean ridge are where new crustal material is forced to the surface. The new crustal material is pushed apart forming two different plates moving in two different directions. An ocean trench is where old crustal material is pushed under another plate where it is melted and turned into magma.

Q. What is the difference between a mid-ocean ridge and a rift?

Answer: The major difference between different types is what type of plate the divergent boundary is between. If the boundary is found between two continental plates you are left with a rift valley. If two oceanic plates begin moving away from each other it creates a mid-oceanic ridge.

Q. What is the difference between a trench and a ridge?

Trench: very deep, elongated cavity bordering a continent or an island arc; it forms when one tectonic plate slides beneath another. Ridge: underwater mountain range that criss-crosses the oceans and is formed by rising magma in a zone where two plates are moving apart.

Q. What is the difference between mid-ocean ridge and a volcano?

Mid-ocean ridge volcanoes tend to be linear and look like long, low ridges, while volca- noes at subduction zones tend to be cone- shaped and isolated. Volcanoes at subduction zones often erupt explosively; volcanoes at mid-ocean ridges usually do not.

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What is the name of the process that occurs at the Mid-Ocean Ridge?.
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