What is the meaning of vegetation?

What is the meaning of vegetation?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the meaning of vegetation?

1 : plant life or total plant cover (as of an area) 2 : the act or process of vegetating. 3 : inert existence. 4 : an abnormal growth upon a body part fibrin vegetations on the mitral valve.

Q. What is a good sentence for vegetation?

1. The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation. 2. They hacked away at the dense vegetation.

Q. How do you use map in a sentence?

How to Diagram a Sentence in 5 Steps

  1. Start with two lines. Draw a horizontal line cut in the center by a vertical line.
  2. Add the subject and predicate. For a basic sentence, start with a simple subject and a verb phrase.
  3. Build on your independent clause.
  4. Add modifiers.
  5. Make your sentence more complex.

Q. How do you use vegetation zone in a sentence?

vegetation zone in a sentence

  1. A warmer climate would push the vegetation zones significantly northwards and upwards.
  2. It has three vegetation zones and is inhabited by many different animals.
  3. The vegetation zones on Mount Kenya are more or less distinct.
  4. Each lake on Fraser Island is surrounded by concentric vegetation zones.

Q. What are some examples of vegetation?

These areas have distinct types of plants, soil, and weather patterns. Vegetation regions can be divided into five major types: forest, grassland, tundra, desert, and ice sheet.

Q. What is vegetation simple words?

Vegetation is an assemblage of plant species and the ground cover they provide. It is a general term, without specific reference to particular taxa, life forms, structure, spatial extent, or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics.

Q. What do you mean by natural vegetation?

Natural vegetation refers to a plant community, which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time. This is termed as a virgin vegetation.

Q. What is importance of vegetation?

Vegetation is a key component of an ecosystem and, as such, is involved in the regulation of various biogeochemical cycles, e.g., water, carbon, nitrogen. Vegetation converts solar energy into biomass and forms the base of all food chains.

Q. What are the five importance of vegetation?

Provides source of energy to all living beings through food. Converts carbon dioxide into oxygen necessary for survival. Provides habitat or source to built habitat for all animals. Prevents soil erosion, brings rains, recharges vatertable to be used as drinking water all through the year.

Q. What is vegetation and examples?

The plants of an area or a region; plant life. Vegetation is defined as growing plants, or a life without physical, mental or social activity. All the plants in the rain forest are an example of vegetation. A person who is brain dead is an example of someone who lives in a state of vegetation.

Q. What are the four importance of vegetation?

Vegetation plays a vital role in our natural ecosystem and also supports the biosphere in various ways; vegetation helps to regulate the flow of numerous biogeochemical cycles, most importantly those of water, carbon, and nitrogen; it also contributes in the local and global energy balances.

Q. How important is natural vegetation?

Benefits and Reasons. Preserving Natural Vegetation is of great important in preventing runoff into storm water. Vegetation provides erosion control, storm water detention, biofiltration, and aesthetic values to your area. Natural vegetation provides a fully developed habitat for wildlife.

Q. What is natural vegetation what is its importance?

Importance of Natural Vegetation: Vegetation provides shelter to animals and provides us with timber and many other forest produce. Plants also produce oxygen when they make food and oxygen is the gas we breathe. Plants protect soil from degradation. Plants help in recharging the groundwater.

Q. What is the advantages of natural vegetation?

The advantages of natural vegetation: Provide a buffer for the neighborhood and improve privacy. Reduce air toxins that damage lung tissue, such as ozone. Reduce stormwater and downstream flood damage. Reduce downstream water temperature (required for trout)

Q. What are the three advantages of natural vegetation?

Name three advantages of natural vegetation

  • It maintains the purity of the air by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and adding oxygen.
  • It provides the woods and timbre which have great commercial and medicinal purposes.
  • It also controls the soil erosion and prevents the floods.

Q. How can we protect natural vegetation?


  1. we should not cut trees as this can effect the food chain of animals.
  2. we should atleast plant a baby plant every day.
  3. we should not kill any animal.
  4. we should decrease the use of plastics.
  5. we should keep our area pollution free.

Q. What are the types of natural vegetation?

There are five major types of natural vegetation found in India- Tropical Evergreen, Deciduous, Dry Deciduous, Desert, Tidal and Mountain Forests.

Q. What is natural vegetation very short answer?

The grasses, shurbs and trees that grow on their own without any human interference or help are termed natural vegetation.

Q. What are the five main types of natural vegetation?

  • #1. Tropical Evergreen Forests.
  • #2. Tropical Deciduous Forests:
  • Difference between Evergreen and Deciduous Forests.
  • #3. The Thorn Forests and Scrubs:
  • #4. Montane Forests:
  • #5. Mangrove Forests:

Q. How many categories can you divide of natural vegetation?

It also depends on factors like slope and thickness of soil. Natural vegetation is generally classified into three broad categories: Forests, Grasslands and Shrubs.

Q. What are the three board categories of natural vegetation?

Natural vegetation is a community of plants that are grown without any human aid. They are classified into 3 broad categories: Forests, Grasslands, Shrubs.

Q. What type of vegetation is found in desert?

Thorny shrubs, Cactus is the most common type of plant or shrub found in nearly all the deserts of the world. Desert biome is classified into 4 types, viz., Coastal desert, cold desert, semiarid desert, and hot and dry desert.

Q. What are the three main categories of natural flora?

The growth of vegetation depends on temperature and moisture. It also depends on factors like slope and thickness of soil. It is categorized into three broad categories: Forest, grassland and shrubs.

Q. What is tropical evergreens?

Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multi-layered, and harbour many types of plants and animals. These forests are found in the areas receiving heavy rainfall (more than 200 cm annual rainfall). They are very dense. Therefore, these forests always appear green and are known as evergreen forests.

Q. What do you mean by natural vegetation Class 7?

Natural vegetation is the plant life of a region. This type of vegetation is further classified into: Forest. Grasslands. Shrubs.

Q. Where are shrubs found Class 7?

Answer: Shrubs are found in the dry regions.

Q. What are the four means of transport class 7?

The four major means of transport are roadways, railways, waterways and airways.

Q. What do you understand by communication 7?

Communication is the process of conveying messages to others. Mass media means communicating with the masses through newspapers, radio and television.

Q. Which region is called the orchards of the world?


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