What is the main idea of the life you save may be your own?

What is the main idea of the life you save may be your own?

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The main theme in this story is the quest for meaning. This need to find out what life means is common to O’Connor’s works. In this story, it shows up in Shiftlet’s wandering. In moving around, he isn’t just traveling.

Q. What did the old woman really want from Mr Shiftlet?

O’Connor, Flannery Mr. Shiftlet persuades the old woman to hire him for work around the farm and for repairing a car. She says she can feed him but not pay him. Over a period of a few weeks he repairs the car (which is what he really wants) and offers to marry Lucynell if her mother will give him some money.

Q. What does Shiftlet symbolize?

The name Shiftlet implies that he will shift, or that he is shifty. Each of these is true. Mr. Shiftlet’s name has a double meaning. On the one hand, it could mean that he is shifty and not to be trusted.

Q. Where does Mr Shiftlet sleep?

Crater’s house, he tells Mrs. Crater that he works on her land because he is interested in it, even the car. He also works on the automobile until he has it running. At night he sleeps in the back of the car.

Q. Why does Old Lucynell give Mr Shiftlet money?

Why does old Lucynell give Mr. Shiftlet money? mr shiftlet convinces her to give him money to take young lucynell out for the weekend and treat her nice. 5.

Q. Why does Shiftlet say he Cannot marry her?

why does shiftlet say he cannot marry her, and what causes him to change his mind? the old woman says he can live there for free and have their car. he says he cannot marry lucynell because he does not have money. he eventually changes his mind when the old woman offers him money.

Q. What word does Mr Shiftlet teach Lucynell?

Mr. Shiftlet sleeps in the non working car that they have on their property, and performs miscellaneous jobs around the house, such as fixing stairs and fences, and started to teach Lucynell how to speak. He first taught her to say the word ‘Bird. ‘

Q. What is the bargain struck between Mr?

What is the bargain struck between Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs. Crater over her daughter, Lucynell? – Mr. Shiftlet will marry Lucynell and take her on a weekend trip in turn for $17.50 and the car 3.

Q. What word does Lucynell learn to say?

As her mother and Tom Shiftlet make small talk about the sunset, the younger Lucynell Crater watches him “with a cautious sly look as if he were a bird that had come up very close.” The first word he teaches her to say is “bird,” implying that he is revealing a part of himself to her; they have a special form of …

Q. What disability does Lucynell have?

Lucynell lives with her mother, Mrs. Crater, on a remote farm in the south. She is deaf, mute, and has mental disabilities, but she is able to do work around the farm like sweeping and feeding the chickens.

Q. What other word does Mrs Crater want Mr Shiftlet to teach Lucynell next?

This has been one of her goals since Shiftlet showed up, but now it begins to seem more real. Therefore, she wants him to teach Lucynell a word that speaks to love and courtship: “Teach her to say ‘sugarpie,’” she said.

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What is the main idea of the life you save may be your own?.
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