What is the life cycle of spirogyra?

What is the life cycle of spirogyra?

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Hint: Spirogyra is a filamentous charophyte green algae that has gametophyte as its dominant phase in its life cycle. It is a free-living phase in its life-cycle. Complete answer: In Spirogyra, sexual reproduction has a cycle that alternates between a haploid gametophyte phase and a diploid zygospore phase.

Q. Do spirogyra have mitochondria?

Cytoplasm is traversed by several cytoplasmic strands. d) Cytoplasmic organelles: Golgi bodieg, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are present in the cytoplasm. Spirogyra reproduces by vegetative and sexual methods.

Q. What are 2 characteristics of spirogyra?

Identifying Characteristics of Spirogyra

  • They have a multi-cellular filamentous body with a mucilaginous sheath.
  • They bear 2-10 spiral and ribbon-shaped chloroplasts with many pyrenoids.
  • The cell wall is composed of pectin and cellulose.
  • It reproduces vegetatively and sexually.

Q. How do you identify spirogyra?

identifying features of spirogyra are:

  1. It is a multi-cellular filamentous algae with mucilagenouus sheath.
  2. It consists of spiral chloroplast.
  3. Cell wall layer is made up of cellulose and pectin.
  4. The chloroplast of spirogyra consists of pyrenoids.
  5. Cytoplasm lie on the periphery of cell.

Q. What is seen in spirogyra?

Spirogyras are filamentous green algae, named for their spiraling chloroplasts. Each cell of the filaments features a large central vacuole, within which the nucleus is suspended by fine strands of cytoplasm. Spirogyra species can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Q. Is spirogyra helpful or harmful?

Human Uses: In many Asian countries, Spirogyra spp. is valued for human consumption, and is known as an important source of natural bioactive compounds for antibiotic, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic purposes.

Q. Does algae reproduce asexually?

Algae regenerate by sexual reproduction, involving male and female gametes (sex cells), by asexual reproduction, or by both ways. Many small algae reproduce asexually by ordinary cell division or by fragmentation, whereas larger algae reproduce by spores.

Q. What is the life cycle of Ectocarpus?

Like many brown algae, Ectocarpus has a haploid–diploid life cycle that involves alternation between two multicellular generations, the sporophyte and the gametophyte (Fig.

Q. Why Ectocarpus is brown in Colour?

The dominant of Ectocarpus is fncoxanthin. It gives this algae golden brown colour. The other photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll-a, -c, beta. carotene and other xanthophylls.

Q. What is the life cycle of Laminaria?

The life cycle of Laminaria has heteromorphic alternation of generations which differs from Fucus. At meiosis the male and female zoospores are produced separately, then germinate into male and female gametophytes. The female egg matures in the oogonium until the male sperm fertilizes it.

Q. What is the life cycle of Volvox?

LIFE CYCLE OF VOLVOX • Volvox is haploid (n) algae, the haploid gametes fertilize to make diploid zygote (2n) which divides by meiosis to make haploid cells(n) which mature into haploid volvox colony.

Q. What is the class of Volvox?

Chlorophycean green algae

Q. What is colony of Volvox called?

Volvox thallus is a motile colony with definite shape and number of cells. This habit of thallus is called coenobium. ADVERTISEMENTS: The colony is hollow, spherical or oval in shape and the size of colony is about the size of a pin head. The number of cells in a colony is fixed.

Q. What is Haplodiplontic life cycle?

Fertilization gives rise to a multicellular diploid sporophyte, which produces haploid spores via meiosis. This type of life cycle is called a haplodiplontic life cycle (Figure 20.1). In haplodiplontic life cycles, gametes are not the direct result of a meiotic division.

Q. What are the three types of life cycle?

A life cycle is a period involving one generation of an organism through means of reproduction, whether through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. In regard to its ploidy, there are three types of cycles; haplontic life cycle, diplontic life cycle, diplobiontic life cycle.

Q. What is the life cycle of humans?

In summary, the human life cycle has six main stages: foetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult and elderly. Although we describe the human life cycle in stages, people continually and gradually change from day to day throughout all of these stages.

Q. What are the 4 phases of life?

Like a human being, a product is born, grows up, matures, and then passes. These four stages are known as its life cycle.

Q. What are the 12 stages of life?

The major stages of the human lifecycle include pregnancy, infancy, the toddler years, childhood, puberty, older adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and the senior years.

Q. What are the 7 life stages?

There are seven stages a human moves through during his or her life span. These stages include infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and old age.

Q. What is the hardest stage of life?


Q. What is the last stage?

final stage – the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; “the end was exciting”; “I had to miss the last of the movie” end, last.

Q. Which stage of life is the most important?

The most important phase of life is the first few years when you are a child. That’s when the brain grows really fast – faster than any other time in our life. The brain makes [more than 1 million] new connections every second!

Q. Do u enjoy your current stage of life?

Yes, I wholeheartedly enjoy the current stage of life as I am well aware of the surroundings now and my parents trust me with taking decisions for my life.

Q. Is childhood the best time of life?

Childhood is the best part of the time because there are no responsibilities which help in living life in full ease and comfort. It is that part of the life which is the learning period of life. We fall, get guidance from the elders, try and then succeed. These are the steps which we continuously carry throughout life.

Q. Is childhood better than adulthood?

Childhood is way better than adulthood. Being a child comes with little stress and you have ten times the fun you do when your an adult. Children won’t have to worry about trying to support their family. They just have to worry about being a kid and having fun playing with their friends.

Q. How do I get my childhood back?

Here are my 10 ideas:

  1. Do whatever you enjoyed doing as a child.
  2. Ask many questions.
  3. Schedule play.
  4. Come up with impossible, stupid, or even dangerous ideas.
  5. Be silly. Then laugh.
  6. Watch cartoons and read kids’ books.
  7. Don’t over-analyze, just create.
  8. Express your own uniqueness.

Q. At what age does your childhood end?

Childhood is over for many children by the age of 12, according to members of a parenting website.

Q. Is 15 still a kid?

A 15-year-old is an adolescent — no longer a child, but not yet an adult either. There are lots of physical changes, but it’s also a time of big intellectual, social, and emotional development. While it can vary from girl to girl, there are common milestones to look for.

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What is the life cycle of spirogyra?.
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