What is the length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 4 √ 3 cm 2?

What is the length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 4 √ 3 cm 2?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 4 √ 3 cm 2?

Given : The area of an equilateral triangle is square cm. Hence, the length of each side of an equilateral triangle is 4 cm.

Q. What happens to the area of a triangle when the base is doubled?

The area will be the same as what you started with. Doubling the base doubles the area. Cutting the triangle in half cuts the area in half.

Q. Is the base of a triangle is doubled and height is halved its area will be?

Answer. Answer: The area of the triangle remains same.

Q. What times does the area change when the sides of a triangle are doubled?

1 Answer. Four times area is changed, when sides of a triangle are doubled.

Q. How do you double the area of a triangle?

Remember, double the area and then divide by the known side length. To calculate the area of a triangle, we multiply the base times the height and divide by 2. If you are given the area, follow the steps backwards. You will multiply by 2 and divide by the given length.

Q. When sides of a triangle are doubled the area becomes four times the original area?

Now if we double the sides we get the new base and height of the triangle as A=12×(2b)×(2h) . Hence we have A=4×(12×b×h) . Hence we can easily say that the area of the triangle is 4 times the original triangle.

Q. How does doubling the side lengths of a rectangle affect its area?

Answer Expert Verified Doubling the side-lengths will multiply the area by four. 4xy/xy=4 – hence, the new rectangle has four times the area of the old one.

Q. What happens to the area when you double the side length of a figure?

If each side length is doubled, then the surface area of each face becomes 6(2x)2 = 6(4×2) = 24×2.

Q. How does adding rectangles affect the perimeter?

We can find a figure’s perimeter by combining its outside dimensions. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle is found by doubling the length, doubling the width, and then adding the two together.

Q. What happens to the volume of the cube if the length of the sides is doubled?

New side = 2a cm. So, new volume =(2a)3cm3=(8a3)cm3. So, the volume becomes 8 times.

Q. Does area change with shape?

When the dimensions of the shape, such as radius, height, or length change, both surface area and volume also change. However, the volume of the object always changes more than the surface area for the same change in dimensions.

Q. Can you make the area of your shape go up and the perimeter go down?

Yes,you can. more nearly equal. has the most possible area inside the smallest possible perimeter.

Q. Why are circles not considered polygons?

A circle is not a polygon. A polygon is a closed figure on a plane formed from a finite number of lines segments connected end-to-end. As a circle is curved, it cannot be formed from line segments, as thus does not fit the conditions needed to be a polygon.

Q. How does perimeter change with area?

The area increases much faster than the length of the perimeter (you could graph this and discuss linear versus exponential growth). Sides increase by one, perimeters increase by four, and area increases by three, five, seven, then nine!

Q. Can you change the perimeter without changing the area?

Therefore you can always increase a rectangle’s area, without changing its perimeter, by transferring length from the long sides to the short sides (as long as the amount of length that you transfer isn’t more than half the difference between them).

Q. Does perimeter increase with area?

If you start with a rectilinear shape, when you increase the area, the perimeter will increase.

Q. Does bigger perimeter mean bigger area?

The perimeter is always bigger except for one (Shape G). The area and perimeter are the same. The same happened if there you have a rectangle that has a length of 6 and a width of 3. Table 3 (they didn’t give their school) looked at finding a shape which has a perimeter numerically twice the area.

Q. What shape has area double the perimeter?


Q. Can 2 rectangles have the same perimeter but different areas?

About this video. In this lesson you will learn that rectangles can have the same perimeter but different area by building rectangles and organizing information in a chart.

Q. Can two rectangles have the same area and perimeter?

We found that the 6 by 3 rectangle works, because 6+3+6+3=18 and 6×3=18, so this has equal area and perimeter. But if both the length and the width are odd, then the area will be odd, meaning that it is impossible for the perimeter to be the same as the area.

Q. What is the perimeter formula?

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is often written as P = 2l + 2w, where l is the length of the rectangle and w is the width of the rectangle. The area of a two-dimensional figure describes the amount of surface the shape covers.

Q. What does perimeter mean in math?

Perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape. Learn how to calculate perimeter and area for various shapes.

Q. What is the perimeter of all shapes?

Perimeter Formulas

Geometric ShapePerimeter FormulaMetrics
Trianglea + b + ca, b and c being the side lengths
Rectangle2(Length + Width)
Square4aa =Length of a side
Trapezoida + b + c + da, b, c, d being the sides of the trapezoid

Q. How is area and perimeter used in everyday life?

In everyday life area and perimeter are used constantly – for example, for describing the size of a house by talking about its floor area, or for working out how much wire is needed to fence off a field.

Q. Where do we use perimeter in real life?

We often find the perimeter when putting up Christmas lights around the house or fencing the backyard garden. Other examples may include finding the total length of the boundary of the soccer field or the length of the crochet or ribbon required to cover the border of a table mat.

Q. What is perimeter simple explanation?

The word perimeter means a path that surrounds an area. It comes from the Greek word ‘peri,’ meaning around, and ‘metron,’ which means measure. In mathematics, the perimeter refers to the total length of the sides or edges of a polygon, a two-dimensional figure with angles. …

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