What is the law of effect according to Thorndike?

What is the law of effect according to Thorndike?

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Thorndike. The law of effect stated that those behavioral responses that were most closely followed by a satisfying result were most likely to become established patterns and to occur again in response to the same stimulus.

Q. What is Edward Thorndike theory?

The law of effect principle developed by Edward Thorndike suggested that: “responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation (Gray, 2011, p.

Q. What is Edward Thorndike best known for?

Edward Thorndike was an influential psychologist who is often referred to as the founder of modern educational psychology. He was perhaps best-known for his famous puzzle box experiments with cats which led to the development of his law of effect.

Q. What does Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect states quizlet?

EDWARD THORNDIKE. Thorndike’s Law of Effect states that a response followed by a pleasant consequence is more likely to be repeated, whereas a response followed by an unpleasant consequence is more likely to be diminished.

Q. What are the two aspects of consciousness?

Two Aspects of Consciousness. Consciousness is typically taken to have two aspects: local states (see Glossary) and global states. Local states of consciousness include perceptual experiences of various kinds, imagery experiences, bodily sensations, affective experiences, and occurrent thoughts.

Q. Who came up with the law of effect quizlet?

Edward Thorndike

Q. When Carla was a child who ate?

When Carla was a child, she ate too much cotton candy at the fair and became very ill. For many years she avoided cotton candy and even the smell made her sick.

Q. When was the law of effect developed?


Q. What did the law of effect state quizlet?

The law of effect states that if a response in the presence of a stimulus is followed by a satisfying event, the association between the stimulus and the response is strengthened.

Q. What is the law of effect examples?

More Examples If you study and then get a good grade on a test, you will be more likely to study for the next exam. If you work hard and then receive a promotion and pay raise, you will be more likely to continue to put in more effort at work.

Q. What is Skinner box and what is its purpose?

A Skinner Box is a often small chamber that is used to conduct operant conditioning research with animals. Within the chamber, there is usually a lever (for rats) or a key (for pigeons) that an individual animal can operate to obtain a food or water within the chamber as a reinforcer.

Q. Which of the following is a primary reinforcer?

Water, food, sleep, shelter, sex, and touch, among others, are primary reinforcers. Pleasure is also a primary reinforcer.

Q. Which of the following best describes primary reinforcers?

A Primary Reinforcer is a stimulus that is biologically important to an organism, such as food, water, sleep, shelter, safety, pleasure, and sex. It leads to an involuntary response, such as recoiling, drooling, and trembling.

Q. What is the relationship between a secondary and a primary reinforcer quizlet?

What is the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers? Primary reinforcers are reinforcers that meet a biological need such as food and shelter. While Secondary reinforces gain value by association with primary reinforcers.

Q. Which two of the following is an example of a secondary reinforcer?

Some examples of secondary reinforcers include: verbal praise, highly preferred activities, stickers, toys, and edibles.

Q. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary or conditioned reinforcer?

Primary and secondary reinforcers are both forms of positive reinforcement, which is the process of rewarding a behavior. Primary reinforcement involves a reward that fulfils a biological need. Secondary reinforcers are learned and work via association with primary reinforcers.

Q. Is Candy a primary or secondary reinforcer?

In operant conditioning there are Primary Reinforcers and Conditioned Reinforcers. Primary reinforcers are naturally reinforcing, i.e. there is no learning necessary for them to be reinforcing. In contrast, the candy is a primary reinforcer because it did not have to learned.

Q. Why is food a primary reinforcer?

These reinforcers occur naturally without having to make any effort and do not require any form of learning. For example: food, sleep, water, air and sex. Primary reinforcements are naturally occurring and do not require an individual to learn any significant method or process in order to work.

Q. Is an example of a primary reinforcer whereas?

Chapter 4

______ is an example of a primary reinforcer, whereas ______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer.A candy bar; a gold star
The tendency for a response that is reinforced after some, but not all, correct responses to be very resistant to extinctionPartial reinforcement effect

Q. Is affection a primary reinforcer?

Generalized reinforcers are secondary reinforcers paired with more that one primary reinforcer. Affection is an example of a generalized reinforcer.

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What is the law of effect according to Thorndike?.
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