What is the highest electronegative element?

What is the highest electronegative element?

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Q. Does higher electronegativity mean stronger bond?

Generally, yes. A bigger difference in electronegativity indicates that the bond is more ionic. Since ionic bonds are known to have strong bonding characteristics, it makes sense that the more ionic a bond is, the stronger the bond.

Q. How does electronegativity affect melting point?

As you must be knowing, opposites attract and the sheer electrostatic attraction between the molecules of the compound will tend to make the compound, as a whole, have a much higher Boiling and/or Melting point. Higher electronegativity means higher polarity in the molecule containing such atom.

Q. Which is the least electropositive element?

Q. What are the two most electronegative elements?

The 2 most electronegative elements on the periodic table are Fluorine and Oxygen.

Q. Which is most electropositive element?


Q. Is mg Electropositive?

For ex: Mg with atomic number = 12 has E.C = 2,8,2 so it has 2 valence electrons and hence can easily lose them to gain the noble gas configuration of Neon (2,8). So, it is electropositive in nature.

Q. Is MGO acidic or basic?

Magnesium oxide is a simple basic oxide, because it contains oxide ions. It reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide which is a base.

Q. Is sio2 acidic or basic?

Therefore, because silicon dioxide does not contain oxide ions, it has no basic properties. In fact, it is very weakly acidic, reacting with strong bases. Reaction with water: Silicon dioxide does not react with water, due to the thermodynamic difficulty of breaking up its network covalent structure.

Q. Is SnO acidic or basic?

So, SiO2,GeO2, SnOand PbOare acidic, amphoteric, amphoteric, basic respectively.

Q. Is sb2o3 acidic or basic?

Antimony trioxide (sb2o3) is an amphoteric oxide.

Q. What is the name of As4O6?

Arsenious oxide

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