What is the example of trunk?

What is the example of trunk?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the example of trunk?

The definition of a trunk is the main base of a tree, person, animal or insect or the long protruding snout of an elephant. An example of a trunk is the part of a tree from which the branches extend. An example of a trunk is a person’s torso. An example of a trunk is what an elephant uses to smell and grab things.

Q. Why will my trunk not open?

In most cases, that means the lock is broken or that there is some inherent fault that does not allow it to operate the way it was intended. This could be because the trunk latch, trunk lock, or other internal mechanisms responsible for the smooth operation of the lock, have now gone awry.

Q. What is meant by trunk?

a large, sturdy box or chest for holding or transporting clothes, personal effects, or other articles. a large compartment, usually in the rear of an automobile, in which luggage, a spare tire, and other articles may be kept. the body of a person or an animal excluding the head and limbs; torso.

Q. Where is trunk in our body?

Trunk or torso is an anatomical term for the central part of the human body from which extend the neck and limbs. The trunk includes the thorax and abdomen.

Q. What does elephant trunk up mean?

An upward pointed elephant trunk dispenses energy, luck, prosperity and kindness. It is a movement elephants use to greet friends and express sheer delight. To bring compassion and to shower good fortune plae the upward trunk elephant around you. Elephants emit luck, energy, kindness, strength and wisdom.

Q. Should an elephant trunk be up or down?

According to Feng Shui, while a raised elephant trunk symbolises good mood, a trunk that is down means focus and sensuality. The trunk in the downward direction represents ability to solve challenges and longevity. Contrary to popular belief, an elephant trunk in the downward direction, does not mean bad luck.

Q. How do you place an elephant statue in your house?

Your home’s front door serves as a portal from the outside world to your private living space. To welcome good luck into your home, place elephant figures — facing inward — inside the front door. If your decor has an Eastern flavor, a pair of large, ornate elephant statues look right at home in the foyer.

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What is the example of trunk?.
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