What is the exact value of tan 60?

What is the exact value of tan 60?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the exact value of tan 60?

Therefore, the exact value of Tan 60 degrees is √3.

Q. How do you find the value of CSC?

In a right triangle, the cosecant of an angle is the length of the hypotenuse divided by the length of the opposite side. In a formula, it is abbreviated to just ‘csc’.

Q. What is the exact value of CSC 90 degrees?


Q. What is the cot of 24 degrees?


Q. What is cos of in degrees?

The cosine of an angle is defined as the sine of the complementary angle. The complementary angle equals the given angle subtracted from a right angle, 90°. For instance, if the angle is 30°, then its complement is 60°. Generally, for any angle θ, cos θ = sin (90° – θ).

Q. Is tan 60 degrees greater or less than 1?

Q. Is tan 60 degrees greater or less than 1? Ans. Tan 60 is greater than 1 because its exact value is 1.732050…

Q. How do you evaluate tan 60 degrees?

To find the value of tan 60 degrees geometrically, consider an equilateral triangle ABC since each of an angle in an equilateral triangle is 600. Draw a perpendicular line AD from A to BC. In the same way, we can derive other values of tan degrees like 0°, 30°, 45°, 90°, 180°, 270° and 360°.

Q. What is the exact value of CSC 60?


Q. What is the tangent of 60 degrees in radical form?


Term sin of 60 degreesDefinition radical 3 / 2
Term tan of 60 degreesDefinition radical 3
Term cot of 60 degreesDefinition radical 3 / 3
Term sec of 60 degreesDefinition 2
Term csc of 60 degreesDefinition 2 times radical 3 / 3

Q. Why does tan 60 equal the square root of 3?

The tangent of angle sixty degrees is a value that represents the ratio of lengths of opposite to adjacent sides when the angle of a right triangle equals to sixty degrees. The exact value for the tan of angle sixty degrees is square root of three.

Q. What is the value of TAN 30 in trigonometry?

The value of tan 30 degrees is 1/√3.

Q. What is the value of cot 60?


The secant of x is 1 divided by the cosine of x: sec x = 1 cos x , and the cosecant of x is defined to be 1 divided by the sine of x: csc x = 1 sin x .

Q. What is tan of 30 degrees in radians?


Q. What is the exact value of tan 300 degrees?

Important Angle Summary


Q. What is the exact value of tan 330 degrees?

Hence, the exact functional value of tan(330∘) is −1√3.

Q. How do you find cosine 300 degrees?

Since cos(60∘)=12 , we know that cos(300∘)=12 as well since cos(θ)>0 in the fourth quadrant.

Q. What is cos 300 degrees in radians?

Important Angle Summary


Q. What is the value of sin 2 30 degree?

Answer. Sin~¹(1/4) = Sin~¹(0.25) =14½° (approx.)

Q. What is the cot of 33 degrees?


Q. How do you convert cot into degrees?

Use this cotangent calculator to easily calculate the cotangent of an angle given in degrees or radians….Applications of the cotangent function.

x (°)x (rad.)cot(x)

Q. What does cot stand for in trig?

Right-angled triangle definitions

cotangentcot (or cotan or cotg or ctg or ctn)adjacentopposite
cosecantcsc (or cosec)hypotenuseopposite
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What is the exact value of tan 60?.
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