What is the best empire in history?

What is the best empire in history?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the best empire in history?

8 of the Largest Empires in History

Q. What was the main focus of the Persian society?

Persian Empire – Persian Empire Sprite Noteshttps://thepersianpeople.weebly.comhttps://thepersianpeople.weebly.com

Q. Who was the greatest Persian king?

Darius the Great

  • Persian empire. Also known as the Achaemenian Empire, the kingdom created under Cyrus the Great stretched from Iran into Central Asia and Egypt.
  • Han dynasty.
  • Umayyad Caliphate.
  • Mongol empire.
  • Ottoman Empire.
  • Spanish empire.
  • Russian Empire.
  • British Empire.

Q. Who has ruled the whole world?


Alexander the GreatKing of Macedonia and Persia. Pharaoh of Egypt.356 BC – 323 BC
Alfonso III of AsturiasKing of León, Galicia and Asturias848 – 910
Alfred the GreatKing of Wessex and the Anglo-Saxons848/849 – 899
Antiochus III the GreatRuler of the Seleucid Empire241 BC – 187 BC

Q. What is the newest country?

South Sudan

Q. Which country has no Google?


Q. Which country use most Internet in the world?

Q. Which country use Facebook the most?

Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of January 2021 (in millions)

Number of Facebook users in millions
United States190

Q. Which country has the most youtube users?

Unique monthly users in millions
United States167.4
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