What is the Bengali meaning of Den?

What is the Bengali meaning of Den?

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গুহা, নির্জন কর্মস্থল, অসংকর্মের আড্র্ডা It is currently used as a home office although given its size it could also be used as a ‘den’ , games room or sixth bedroom.

Q. What is the meaning of Donke?

1 : the domestic ass (Equus asinus) 2 : a stupid or obstinate person. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About donkey.

Q. What do we say donkey female in English?

A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal.

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of dig?

Dig : খনন করা noun : খনন, প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক খননকার্য, খোঁচা, কোদলানের কাজ Details : খোঁচা, উপভোগ করা, প্রত্নতত্ত্ববিদদের অনুসন্ধানের ক্ষেত্র, খোঁড়া verb : খনন করা, খুঁড়া, খোঁড়া, খোঁচা দেত্তয়া, কোদলান, কোদাল দিয়া খনন করা Dig – খনন করা Dig :: খনন করা Digs :: খনন

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of greetings?

Meanings of greetings in Bengali অভিবাদন প্রীতিসম্ভাষণ

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of introduction?

English to Bangla Meaning :: introduction Introduction : ভূমিকা

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of alphabet?

English to Bangla Meaning :: alphabet Alphabet : বর্ণমালা

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of vowels?

English to Bangla Meaning :: vowel Vowel : স্বরবর্ণ noun : স্বরবর্ণ, স্বরধ্বনি, স্বর Vowel – স্বরবর্ণ Vowel :: স্বরবর্ণ Vowels :: স্বরবর্ণ

Q. What is the Bengali meaning of lesson?

lesson in Bangla: পাঠ

Q. What is the meaning of Unit in Bangla?

English to Bangla Meaning :: unit Unit : একক Details : ইউনিট noun : একক, এক, একমাত্র জিনিস, একমাত্র ব্যক্তি, সর্বনিম্ন পূর্ণসংখ্যা, হিসাবের মান, মাত্রা Unit – একক Unit :: একক United :: অবিভক্ত Unites :: ঐক্যবদ্ধ Uniting :: সংঘবদ্ধ Units :: ইউনিট

Q. What is the full form of ESU?

electric current units of current is the electrostatic unit of charge (esu) per second.

Q. What is the synonym of unit?

component, part, section, element, constituent, subdivision, portion, segment, module, item, member, ingredient, factor, feature, piece, fragment. entity, whole, discrete item.

Q. What is the meaning of one unit?

1 : a single thing, person, or group forming part of a whole There are 36 units in my apartment building. 2 : the least whole number : one. 3 : a fixed quantity (as of length, time, or value) used as a standard of measurement An inch is a unit of length.

Q. What is the opposite word of unit?

whole. Noun. ▲ Opposite of a permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel and divided into several companies, squadrons, or batteries and often into two battalions. liberate.

Q. What is another word for military unit?

What is another word for military unit?


Q. What is the largest military unit?

field army

Q. What is the synonym of cushion?

pillow, bolster, headrest. scatter cushion, floor cushion, beanbag, booster cushion, squab. hassock, kneeler, mat.

Q. What is the synonym of battalion?

1’an infantry battalion’ unit, regiment, brigade, force, garrison, division, squadron, squad, company, section, detachment, contingent, legion, corps, troop, group. cohort.

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