What is the average time to run 800 meters for a 13 year old?

What is the average time to run 800 meters for a 13 year old?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the average time to run 800 meters for a 13 year old?

An average time should be around 1:50. For the 800, a 3:00 should make you the fastest girl in your grade, while a 2:45 should make you state level. An average time would be 5:00.

Q. What is a good 800 m time?

What makes a good 800m runner? A great 800 runner should be able to run at least 46 (seconds) or faster for the 400. A great 800 runner should be able to run at least 4:05 or faster for the mile.”

Q. How far is 800 meters around a track?

½ mile
100 meters: the length of one straightaway. 800 meters: roughly ½ mile or 2 laps around the track. 1600 meters: roughly 1 mile or 4 laps around the track.

Q. Is 800 meters a lot?

If you’re thinking that that’s a lot of digits to put to memory, you’re not alone! Normally, 800 meters is associated with 1/2 a mile. The 400-meter, 800-meter, and 1600-meter runs are all well-known races in track and field. Many people refer to the 800-meter race as the half-mile race.

Q. What is the average 800m time for a 15 year old?

800-meter Run Test

RatingTime (minutes/seconds)
below average3’31” – 3’45”
average3’16” – 3’30”
above average3’01” – 3’15”
good2’46” – 3′

Q. How many laps is 800 meters swimming?

50 Meter Pool (Olympic Size)

½ mileabout 800 meters16 lengths
1 mile (Olympic Distance)about 1700 meters30 lenghts
1.2 miles (Half Ironman Distance)about 2000 meters40 lengths
2.4 miles (Ironman Distance)about 4000 meters80 lengths

Q. How fast should a 12 year old run 800m?

Q. Should 800m runners do long runs?

800m runners need an “aerobic base.” But this does not mean long slow running. Most coaches will take the athlete capable of running a good 400m in high school and allow them to just train for the 400m or even 200m instead of moving them up to run the 800m. This is a disservice to the athlete.

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What is the average time to run 800 meters for a 13 year old?.
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