What is the answer to question 68 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to question 68 on the impossible quiz?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the answer to question 68 on the impossible quiz?

Question 68 of The Impossible Quiz contains the series’ mascot, Chris the cat, sitting on a chair, and beside him a vertical bar. There is no message of any kind on screen. This is a safe question, so there is no way for you to lose any life, no matter what part of the screen you click.

Q. What is the answer to 67 on the impossible quiz?

The answer in this case is “A big hairy arsonist” because, just like in Question 28, three words are combined to one real word. In this case, it is the words “arse on ist”, which describe the big, hairy arse on top of the word “ist”.

Q. What is the answer to number 26 in the impossible quiz?

In the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz, the question and the signs remain the same, but there are only four possible options instead of the original seven: “Germansweek”, “Arsefacey”, “Brown Willy” and “Hell Creek”. The answer is still “Arsefacey”. The original question as it appears in the Beta.

Q. What is the answer to number 59 on the impossible quiz?

What you have to do is to rapidly click the circle so that the “lazer” charges, until it is eventually fired, destroying the bomb in the process.

Q. What is the answer to question 69 on the impossible quiz?

The correct option is “Plaster”, which combines both “plastic” and “paper” into one word. It’s worth noting that the term “plaster” refers to a building material used for coating walls and ceilings, and also to adhesive bandage.

Q. What is the answer to question 45 on the impossible quiz?

The top left choice says “Indeed”, the top right one says “WRONG”, the bottom left option says “Why not?”, and the bottom right one says “ROFL”. The correct answer in this one, and the most sensible of the options, is of course “WRONG”, so click the top right option box to proceed.

Q. How do you get past level 34 on the impossible quiz?

In order to proceed, you have to put your finger on the screen and hold it until the three elephants have gone inside the mouse hole.

Q. What is the answer to the impossible quiz number 27?

Question 27 (iOS) The new Question 27 asks “How many times can you fit into a vacuum?”. The options you’re given are “Once”, “Thrice”, “Twice” and “Life is a vacuum”. The correct answer is “Twice”, as that’s how many times the letter “u” (you) appears in the word “vacuum”.

Q. What is the answer to level 60 on the impossible quiz?

Just be honest. Still there really is no answer. It will always call you a LIAR! It is the last question.

Q. What is the answer to number 61 on the impossible quiz?

Question 61 from the Impossible Quiz is a rather odd one: it simply has “(Y)” written on the upper part of the screen, while the four option boxes below it contain small icon-like drawings of a hand giving you a thumbs up, a black cloud with a lightning, a yellow smiling face and an evil-looking sheep seen from behind.

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What is the answer to question 68 on the impossible quiz?.
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