What is the anode in electroplating?

What is the anode in electroplating?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the anode in electroplating?

Anode: The anode, or positively charged electrode, in the circuit is the metal that will form the plating. Cathode: The cathode in the electroplating circuit is the part that needs to be plated. It is also called the substrate. This part acts as the negatively charged electrode in the circuit.

Q. What is the procedure of electroplating?

In the process of electroplating, an external source of electric current is usually applied. This takes place in an electrolytic cell. The electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery is called anode, while the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery is called cathode.

Q. What problems are associated with electroplating?

Here are some of the most common sources of precoating defects:

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What is the anode in electroplating?.
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