What is the American pledge?

What is the American pledge?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is the American pledge?

Today it reads: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”

Q. Can a teacher make you stand for the pledge?

Federal appellate courts have agreed that public schools may not force students to stand during the pledge of allegiance The Supreme Court hasn’t directly addressed the issue of students refusing to stand for the pledge or the national anthem—clear examples of symbolic speech

Q. What does the pledge stand for?

promise my loyalty

Q. When did schools start the pledge?


Q. What religion was the United States founded on?

Some researchers and authors have referred to the United States as a “Protestant nation” or “founded on Protestant principles,” specifically emphasizing its Calvinist heritage Others stress the secular character of the American Revolution and note the secular character of the nation’s founding documents

Q. Can teachers force you to present?

Yes, your teacher can ‘force’ you to do a presentation, and if you refuse (or conveniently ‘forget’ to tell her that you ‘weren’t able to come to school’) she can give you a failing grade for the course Keep in mind that that reason she is having you do a public presentation is to help you overcome your anxiety

Q. Are teachers allowed to take your phone away?

Can Teachers Take Your Phone? If you are using your phone in class, teachers can legally take it, especially if your teacher or the school in general has imposed a no-phone policy Outside of school, there will be instances where you will be asked to put your phone away

Q. Can a teacher force you to turn on your camera on zoom?

Yes, the teacher can require you to turn on your camera (not “make”, that is use force such as pointing a gun at your head)

Q. Can schools force you to take an online test with your camera on?

No, you don’t have to You just have to accept the consequences your school sets for not doing so Schools have wide latitude to make rules related to safety & education, and requiring your cam be on is a reasonable way to insure you’re there

Q. Can teachers legally make you turn on your camera?

No, it is not legal That is basically letting someone into your home without your permission It would be against the law unless you willingly turn your camera on

Q. Can teachers still see you when your camera is off on Zoom?

No, we cannot see you if your camera is off You will probably not get the grade for class participation if you are not on camera

Q. Can my teacher see me on Zoom?

If you’re worried about getting busted by your prof, you can relax: Zoom software does not allow your teacher (or anyone else) to see your own computer screen unless you actively engage the “Share My Screen” feature

Q. Why can’t Others see me on Zoom?

Restart your computer If the camera still does not work in Zoom after restarting, check if the camera works in a Mac app, such as Photo Booth or Facetime If it works elsewhere, uninstall the Zoom client and reinstall the latest version from our Download Center

Q. Can you leave a zoom meeting without anyone knowing?

It’s impossible to sneak out of a Zoom meeting without anyone noticing, as you’d be visibly absent from the Grid view and the participants’ list

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