What is Polysemous and give examples?

What is Polysemous and give examples?

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A polyseme is a word or phrase with different, but related senses. English has many polysemous words. For example, the verb “to get” can mean “procure” (I’ll get the drinks), “become” (she got scared), “understand” (I get it) etc. In linear or vertical polysemy, one sense of a word is a subset of the other.

Q. Is there a antonym for synonym?

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning. Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

Q. What is the opposite of a synonym called?

antonym. nounword with opposite meaning to another word.

Q. What is the antonym of the word antonym?

A word that has the exact opposite meaning of another word is its antonym.

Q. What are Polysemantic words?

1. polysemantic word – a word having more than one meaning. polysemant, polysemous word. word – a unit of language that native speakers can identify; “words are the blocks from which sentences are made”; “he hardly said ten words all morning”

Q. Is Polysemous a word?

When a word or phrase has several meanings, you can describe that word as polysemous. One word that’s famously polysemous is “bank.” Its complementary buddy is monosemous, which describes words that have only one meaning. The Greek root of polysemous is polysemos, “of many senses.”

Q. What does Polysemous mean in media?

The term polysemy refers to the “interpretive scope of media texts, the argument being that several interpretations coexist as potentials in any one text” (Jensen 1995, p. 75).

Q. What does polysemy mean?

: having multiple meanings. Other Words from polysemous Example Sentences Learn More About polysemous.

Q. What are the types of polysemy?

Types of polysemy Linear polysemy accounts for a specialization-generalization relation between senses and, in turn, is divided into four types: autohyponymy, automeronymy, autosuperordination and autoholonymy. Metaphorical and metonymous polysemy are thought to belong to the non-linear category.

Q. What words are their own antonym?

A ‘Janus word’ is a word that is its own opposite—like ‘fast’, which can refer both to moving very quickly and to staying put. Frequently described as “words that are their own opposites,” Janus words are also known as contronyms, antagonyms, or auto-antonyms. These are words that have developed contradictory meanings.

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What is Polysemous and give examples?.
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