What is Fortunato’s weakness?

What is Fortunato’s weakness?

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Q. What does sexually accosted mean?

to approach, especially with a greeting, question, or remark. (of prostitutes, procurers, etc.) to solicit for sexual purposes.

Q. What does it mean to do something with impunity?

If doing something usually results in punishment, but you do it with impunity, you will not be punished for the deed. The noun, impunity, comes from the Latin roots im- (“not”) plus poena (“punishment”), a root which has also produced the word pain. Impunity, then, is the freedom from punishment or pain.

Q. Did Fortunato deserve to die?

No one deserves to die. It’s not clear whether or not Fortunato deserved to die, because Montresor never states what exactly Fortunato has done to him. Montresor does mention the “thousand injuries of Fortunato,” but doesn’t elaborate on what the unfortunate victim did to finally push Montresor over the edge.

Q. Why does Montresor kill Fortunato?

Why did Montresor decide to kill Fortunato? He decided to kill him because he insulted him. Montresor knows Fortunato won’t miss a chance to tatse the rare Amontillado wine.

Q. How does Fortunato die?

In ‘The Cask of Amontillado,’ Montresor kills Fortunato by building a wall around him in the depths of the wine cellar/ catacombs, sealing him…

Q. Does Montresor kill Fortunato?

After leading the intoxicated Fortunato deep into the catacombs of his palazzo, Montresor ends up shackling his enemy to an alcove and proceeds to build a wall around Fortunato. Montresor murders Fortunato by burying him alive.

Q. Why does Montresor say rest in peace?

By saying “rest in peace” at the end of the story, Montresor indicates that his desire for revenge is over and that he no longer wants Fortunato to suffer. He hopes his former enemy is at peace.

Q. How does Montresor finally get revenge on Fortunato?

Montresor wants revenge because one of his best friends insulted him for no apparent reason. Montresor uses Fortunato’s arrogance in his favor: by making up a story about Amontillado, Fortunato’s favorite wine, and tells Fortunato that he will have another connoisseur taste the wine to test his ability.

Q. What are three hints Montresor gives to Fortunato?

You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy as once I was. Clearly, if Fortunato were paying attention, Montresor is pointing out that he no longer is happy like Fortunato, undoubtedly because of the insults he has endured from Fortunato.

Q. What did Montresor not do to prepare for his revenge?

What did Montresor not do to prepare for revenge? When Fortunato says: “the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me, I shall not die of a cough.” Before leaving Fortunato, Montresor throws something in the room.

Q. At what point do you find Montresor most disturbing?

Terms in this set (61)

  • montresor’s most disturbing moment. when montresor keeps pretending to be concerned with fortunato’s health.
  • pride.
  • eerie.
  • no one attacks me with impunity.
  • insult and injury.
  • montresor’s concern for fortunato’s health.
  • chained to a wall and bricked in.
  • montresor’s ancestors.

Q. Is Montresor a Freemason?

Montresor is not a mason in the sense Fortunato means, but another kind of mason. The word mason is thus a double entendre. To Fortunato it means a member of a secret society, while to Montresor it means a person who builds a wall.

Q. What kind of person has Fortunato shown himself to be?

We do know that Fortunato is a powerful man who is respected and also feared. He is competitive and always wants to be first in everything he does, so he is foolish when he wants to rush to the catacombs to be the first to taste the Amontillado. His pride and his single-mindedness helped contribute to his death.

Q. Why does Montresor stop working?

This preview shows page 1 – 3 out of 3 pages. 5. Montresor stops working when Fortunato begins rattling his chains because Montresora)is exhausted.

Q. Why is Montresor carrying a trowel?

The trowel, a mason’s tool, is carried by Montresor because he knows he will need it to mix the mortar. Poe incorporates it as a foreshadowing device as well as for making a great pun when Fortunato asks Montresor if he knows the sign of the Masons.

Q. What does Fortunato finally realize?

The moment Fortunato finally realizes that Montresor plans to harm him takes place when he begins to sober up and moan. Montresor says, I had scarcely laid the first tier of the masonry when I discovered that the intoxication of Fortunato had in a great measure worn off.

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What is Fortunato’s weakness?.
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