What is deafening silence an example of?

What is deafening silence an example of?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is deafening silence an example of?

The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun. One oxymoron example is “deafening silence,” which describes a silence that is so overpowering it almost feels deafening, or extremely loud—just as an actual sound would.

Q. How did Thomas Kuhn characterize the social sciences?

In Kuhn’s view, the existence of a single reigning paradigm is characteristic of the natural sciences, while philosophy and much of social science were characterized by a “tradition of claims, counterclaims, and debates over fundamentals.” Others have applied Kuhn’s concept of paradigm shift to the social sciences.

Q. What kind of word is jumbo shrimp?

The phrase “jumbo shrimp” is a comedic example of oxymoron.

Q. What does it mean when silence is deafening?

(idiomatic) A noteworthy silence, or absence of response, especially one signifying disapproval or lack of enthusiasm. The suggestion that they work through the holidays met with deafening silence.

Q. Does silence drive crazy?

Sometimes, you need a little peace and quiet to stay sane. But it turns out too much quiet can drive you crazy- or at least make you hallucinate. The sound level in the room, which actually has the Guinness World Record, is -9 decibels, compared to the average “quiet” room’s 30, according to MPR News.

Q. How does silence speak louder than words?

Silence can indicate empathy. When we are really tuning in to how the other person is feeling about what they’re saying, we’re listening more to the tone of their voice, cadence and speed rather than the actual words, and so replying with words may not be the attuned response.

Q. Is it better to speak up or stay silent?

After all, Abraham Lincoln once said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” While that may be true in some situations, there are times when you must speak up.

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