What is Bio Catalyst give example?

What is Bio Catalyst give example?

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biocatalyst are substances (enzyme or hormone) that activates or speeds up biochemical reactions. e.g.digestive enzymes like pepsin ,trypsin etc.

Q. What are five ways to increase chemical reaction?

Rates of Reaction

  1. There are 5 ways to increase the rate of a reaction. The rate of a chemical reaction may be increased by.
  2. 1) Increasing the temperature.
  3. 2) Increasing the concentration (in solution).
  4. 3) Increasing the pressure (in gases).
  5. 4) Increasing the surface area of a solid.
  6. 5) Using a catalyst.

Q. What name has been given to bio catalyst and what is their role inside body?

Bio-catalysts are enzymes. They increase the rate of biochemical reactions in living organisms. Lipase is an enzyme produced in the pancreas which helps in the break down fats in food so they can be absorbed in the intestines. …

Q. Which of the following is a bio catalyst?

And most enzymes are proteins, so proteins act as biological catalysts.

Q. Why enzyme is called biocatalyst?

The enzymes are called biocatalyst because it increases the speed of biochemical reaction in an organism. As, the enzymes accelerate the chemical reaction, without changing the state of equilibrium, it is known as the biocatalyst.

Q. What are the functions of biocatalyst?

9.3. Biocatalysis is defined as the use of natural substances that include enzymes from biological sources or whole cells to speed up chemical reactions. Enzymes have pivotal role in the catalysis of hundreds of reactions that include production of alcohols from fermentation and cheese by breakdown of milk proteins.

Q. What is an example of a biological enzyme?

Examples of specific enzymes Amylase – helps change starches into sugars. Maltase – also found in saliva; breaks the sugar maltose into glucose. Maltose is found in foods such as potatoes, pasta, and beer. Trypsin – found in the small intestine, breaks proteins down into amino acids.

Q. What temperature do enzymes get damaged?

Because most animal enzymes rapidly become denatured at temperatures above 40°C, most enzyme determinations are carried out somewhat below that temperature. Over a period of time, enzymes will be deactivated at even moderate temperatures. Storage of enzymes at 5°C or below is generally the most suitable.

Q. What is the best temperature for the enzyme?

37.5 oC

Q. What is the optimum temperature of respiration?

The optimum temperature of respiration is 34–35°C., with limits at about 10° and 50°C.

Q. What temperature is ideal for humans?


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What is Bio Catalyst give example?.
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