What is an example of civil disobedience that you heard about during the civil rights movement?

What is an example of civil disobedience that you heard about during the civil rights movement?

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Martin Luther King Jr., James Bevel, Rosa Parks, and other activists in the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, used civil disobedience techniques. Among the most notable civil disobedience events in the U.S. occurred when Parks refused to move on the bus when a white man tried to take her seat.

Q. Which of the following is an example of an act of civil disobedience performing a protest song?

An example of an act of civil disobedience is protesting and burning the draft card. It goes against the institution. Civil disobedience is the dynamic, maintained refusal to comply with specific laws, requests, and orders of a legislature, or of an involving global power.

Q. Which of the following is an example of an act of civil disobedience performing a protest song burning a draft card in public declaring opposition to?

Answer Expert Verified The correct answer would be burning a draft card in public. Draft cards are issued by the U.S. government and are therefore somewhat of a legal document. By burning a draft card, you would be performing an act of civil disobedience.

Q. What is an act of civil disobedience?

Civil disobedience, also called passive resistance, the refusal to obey the demands or commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to violence or active measures of opposition; its usual purpose is to force concessions from the government or occupying power. …

Q. Is civil disobedience against the law?

Essentially, civil disobedience is illegal non-violent political action, done for moral reasons (this distinguishes it from crime).

Q. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decided to call off civil disobedience movement explain with examples?

The colonial government began arresting the Congress leaders one by one. This led to violent clashes in many places. Women and children were beaten and about 1,00,000 people were arrested. In such a situation, Mahatma Gandhi decided to call off the Civil Disobedience Movement in March 1931.

Q. What are the 11 demands of Gandhi Irwin Pact?

  • The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.
  • The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China.
  • Nationalism in India.
  • The Making of a Global World.
  • The Age of Industrialisation.
  • Work, Life and Leisure.
  • Print Culture and the Modern World.
  • Novels, Society and History.

Q. What are the main features of Gandhi-Irwin Pact?

  • Withdraw all ordinances and end prosecutions.
  • Release all political prisoners, except those guilty of violence.
  • Permit peaceful picketing of liquor and foreign cloth shops.
  • Restore confiscated properties of the satyagrahis.
  • Permit free collection or manufacture of salt by persons near the sea-coast.

Q. What is known as Gandhi-Irwin Pact?

Gandhi-Irwin Pact, agreement signed on March 5, 1931, between Mohandas K. It marked the end of a period of civil disobedience (satyagraha) in India against British rule that Gandhi and his followers had initiated with the Salt March (March–April 1930).

Q. Who opposed Gandhi-Irwin Pact?

The Gandhi – Irwin Pact (1931) was vehemently criticised and opposed by the people on the ground that .

Q. What were the three conditions of Gandhi Irwin Pact?

1-on 5th March,1931 mahatma gandhi signed a pact with lord Irwin. 2-According to it,gandhiji agreed to take part in the round table conference in England . 3-then the British government decided to revise all the political prisoners.

Q. What evil did Gandhi describe as the main point of the letter?

In his letter, Ghandi describes how the British doings are “evil” as he constantly describes the “British connection” evil.

Q. Why was Gandhi Irwin Pact criticized?

There was a controversy over the signing of Gandhi Irwin pact and the issue of commutation of death sentence of Bhagat Singh to life imprisonment. Mahatma Gandhi was criticized for not making commutation of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev as a condition for signing the pact.

Q. What was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact Class 10 in points?

The agreement is called Gandhi-Irwin pact . By this pact Government agreed to release most of the civil disobedience volunteers, against whom there was no allegation of violence. The Congress suspended the Civil Disobedience Movement and agreed to participate in the second Round Table Conference.

Q. What was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact 4 marks?

Gandhi-Irwin Pact was a result of successful massive Civil Disobedience Movement. The pact was signed on February 14, 1931. Its salient features were as follows: Viceroy Irwin, on behalf of the government, agreed to release all political prisoners, not convicted of violence, immediately.

Q. What was Poona Pact Class 10?

The Poona Pact refers to an agreement between B. R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi on behalf of depressed classes and caste Hindu leaders on the reservation of electoral seats for the depressed classes in the legislature of British India government. They finally agreed upon 148 electoral seats.

Q. What is the slogan for do or die?

The mantra is: ‘do or die’. We shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the perpetuation of our slavery,” Mahatma Gandhi said.

Q. Why did Gandhi sign the Irwin Pact?

Answer. After the attack during civil disobedience movement {100000 people were arrested , children and women were beaten ,gandhi ji was arrested }. To break the deadline b/w congress and the government LORD IRWIN invited GANDHI JI for the peace I.e.,GANDHI-IRWIN PACT.

Q. Who gave the slogan of do or die?

Mahatma Gandhi

Q. What is Gandhi’s purpose for writing the letter?

Gandhi’s goal when he wrote this letter was to achieve independence. He wanted to make sure that the British knew that it was unacceptable to put such laws on India. Gandhi basically told them in his letter that him and his people were going to rebel and fight for their rights.

Q. Will be enough to melt the stoniest hearts?

If the people join me, as I expect they will, the sufferings they will undergo, unless the British nation sooner retraces its steps, will be enough to melt the stoniest hearts. The plan through civil disobedience will be to combat such evils as I have sampled out.

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