What is an example of air resistance?

What is an example of air resistance?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is an example of air resistance?

Air resistance is a type of friction between air and another material. For example, when an aeroplane flies through the air, air particles hit the aeroplane making it more difficult for it to move through the air. It’s the same for an object moving through water.

Q. What is mean resistance?

resistance. [ rĭ-zĭs′təns ] A force, such as friction, that operates opposite the direction of motion of a body and tends to prevent or slow down the body’s motion. A measure of the degree to which a substance impedes the flow of electric current induced by a voltage. Resistance is measured in ohms.

Q. What is another name for air resistance?

In fluid dynamics, drag (sometimes called air resistance, a type of friction, or fluid resistance, another type of friction or fluid friction) is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. …

Q. What is another word for resistance?

What is another word for resistance?

impedingstriking back
warding offshield

Q. What is the opposite to resistance?

Opposite of resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument. acquiescence. agreement. approval. assent.

Q. What is opposite of resistant?

Antonyms: absorbent, intolerable, compliant, absorptive, unendurable, unbearable, susceptible, pervious. Synonyms: immune, tolerant, repellent, insubordinate, resistive.

Q. What is the part of speech for resistance?

part of speech: noun. definition 1: the act or process of resisting. The proposal to tear down the library was met with resistance.

Q. How can I use resistance in a sentence?

Resistance sentence example

  1. Any resistance she might have mustered melted at his words.
  2. Whatever resistance she had evaporated in the intensity of his desire for her.
  3. He also investigated electrical endosmosis and the electrical resistance of electrolytes.

Q. What does it mean to meet with resistance?

singular/uncountable refusal to accept something new such as a plan, idea, or change. meet (with)/face/encounter resistance: This proposal is meeting some resistance at the UN’s headquarters.

Q. What is the root word of resistance?

‘Resistance’ as a noun has been around since the mid 14th c. It’s meaning from Latin resistere is to make a stand, to oppose. It was here, digging around in the ‘resist’ entry, that we uncovered more about the root: Latin sistere to take a stand, to stand firm.

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