What is a word for thinking you are better than others?

What is a word for thinking you are better than others?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is a word for thinking you are better than others?

superiority Add to list Share. Superiority is the quality of being better than or superior to someone else. Of course, sometimes superiority is all in your head; in that case, some people might say you have a superiority complex, which means that you think you’re better than everyone else!

Q. What do you call someone who is conceited?

adjective. characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. “a conceited fool” “an attitude of self- conceited arrogance” synonyms: egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain proud.

Q. What is the synonym of conceit?

kənˈsiːt) The trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride. Synonyms. self-love conceitedness vainglory self-importance narcissism narcism trait egotism vanity posturing swelled head boastfulness.

Q. What is the word when you think highly of yourself?

egocentric. adjectivethinking very highly of oneself.

Q. What do you call someone who thinks they are better than others?

“Conceited” is a word that means “someone who thinks they are better than they actually are.” Conceited and arrogant are words typically used to describe people who have unjustifiably high opinions of themselves.

Q. How can you describe a dogmatic person?

Dogmatic people are very firm their convictions, which usually come from some authority. The authority is often religious, but it doesn’t have to be. Anything dogmatic is by the book. If you’re dogmatic, you’re 100% sure of your system despite evidence to the contrary. Dogmatic can also mean close-minded.

Q. What is a dogmatic belief?

Dogmatic goes back to the Greek words dogma, which means basically “what one thinks is true” and dogmatikos, “pertaining to doctrine.” To be dogmatic is to follow a doctrine relating to morals and faith, a set of beliefs that is passed down and never questioned. Dogmatic people are usually not very popular.

Q. What is dogmatic approach?

/dɔːɡˈmætɪk/ (disapproving) ​being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions. a dogmatic approach. There is a danger of becoming too dogmatic about teaching methods.

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What is a word for thinking you are better than others?.
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