What is a elodea definition?

What is a elodea definition?

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Elodea are herbaceous perennials that feature dark green leaves arranged in whorls of two to seven along the stem. Plants are usually dioecious (individuals bear either male or female flowers only) and produce seeds in ellipsoid or oval capsules.

Q. Is elodea a producer or consumer?

The elodea is a producer and through photosynthesis, created energy in the form of glucose for the guppies to eat. The guppies are primary consumers and eat the glucose produced.

Q. Why is elodea used in photosynthesis experiment?

This North American pondweed is widely recommended for demonstrating oxygen formation during photosynthesis. Elodea is cheap and easy to grow, but we find that Cabomba is a much more reliable plant for this purpose.

Q. What are the importance of aquatic plants such as elodea SP in the freshwater ecosystem?

Provides excellent cover for aquatic insects and fish and serves as a source of food for various pond wildlife. One of the few aquatic plants that provides underwater habitat during the winter months. Modest amounts of elodea are generally considered beneficial for the pond ecosystem.

Q. What is the purpose of elodea?

Elodea provides shelter and food for many aquatic insects, crustaceans and fish. Elodea is often used in decorative purposes in the freshwater aquariums. Elodea quickly grows in waters rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Rapid growth of elodea reduces oxygen content in the water and leads to fish kills.

Q. Why is elodea banned?

Leafy elodea was traded as an aquarium and pond plant. Unfortunately, it has escaped and causes problems including restricting water flow, increasing siltation, reducing aquatic plant and animal biodiversity, and interfering with swimming, boating and fishing.

Q. Is elodea a plant or animal?

Lack a cell wall, and have no central vacuole. This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape. The numerous green chloroplasts allow the cell to make its own food (by photosynthesis).

Q. How do you dispose of elodea?

Elodea densa is a non-native plant that is invasive in many areas. After lab use, add leftover plants to an aquarium. Otherwise, seal the plants in a plastic bag, freeze, and discard the unopened bag in the trash.

Q. What does elodea need to survive?

Food: There is no need to feed; Elodea derives most of its nourishment from the water through its leaves and through light. Water: You should keep your Elodea fully submerged in water, so water in its habitat should be replenished as it evaporates with de-chlorinated water.

Q. What animals eat elodea?

Ecological Importance. Elodea provides habitat for many small aquatic animals, which fish and wildlife eat. Geese, ducks, and swans are particularly attracted to this plant.

Q. How long does it take for elodea to grow?

As Elodea spreads into new ecosystems, it experiences rapid growth for 5–6 years and then slows as soil nutrients are used up.

Q. What is the relationship between snails and elodea?

The relationship between snails and elodea is symbiotic in that the snail eats algae and produces carbon dioxide. The elodea takes in the carbon dioxide and, through photosynthesis, creates oxygen, which the snail and every living thing in the tank uses to breathe.

Q. What does elodea release?

Snails will produce only carbon dioxide, while the Elodea will produce carbon dioxide and oxygen gas.

Q. Do water snails eat elodea?

Rooted plants snails prefer include anacharis (Elodea Canadensis) and curled pondweed (Potomogeton crispus), which compete with algae for nutrients in a koi pond or water garden. Like other varieties, they also will eat fish food, algae tablets, frozen fish, brine shrimp, weeds and other, dead, snails.

Q. What was your experimental design what is the relationship between snails and elodea?

What is the relationship between snails and Elodea? The snails produce the carbon dioxide. The Elodea then takes in the carbon dioxide, and produces the oxygen for the snail to take in. If the color changed, it meant that there was carbon dioxide in the test tube.

Q. What was the importance of a control in your experiment?

A control is important for an experiment because it allows the experiment to minimize the changes in all other variables except the one being tested.

Q. Why you need to add the elodea to your Snail aquarium?

Snails will produce only carbon dioxide, while the Elodea will produce carbon dioxide and oxygen gas. Snails and Elodea will produce more carbon dioxide, causing the water to turn yellow. Adding the Elodea creates a symbiotic environment in which the snails can obtain oxygen from the Elodea.

Q. What gas did the elodea plant give off in the light?

Plants use carbon dioxide and produce oxygen gas during photosynthesis. They produce carbon dioxide during cellular respiration. In this experiment, the student will place aquatic plants under different colors of light in a solution of bromothymol blue.

Q. How do you know if a plant produces oxygen?

1) Yes, if you illuminate a plant (I presume you are using an aquatic/water plant) it will produce oxygen. You can put the plant under a funnel and collect the bubbles in an upturned test tube. If the gas is collected fresh, it will relight a glowing splint.

Q. Which color causes the highest growth in spinach plants?

I found that spinach grew best under the red light and the blue light. The radishes showed the second most amount of plant growth under red and blue light. The lettuce showed the least amount of plant growth under red and blue light compared to the spinach and the radish.

Q. What gas do plants give off in the light?

How does a plant take carbon dioxide and water molecules and make a food molecule? The Sun! The energy from light causes a chemical reaction that breaks down the molecules of carbon dioxide and water and reorganizes them to make the sugar (glucose) and oxygen gas.

Q. What gas do plants give off at night?

During daylight hours, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, and at night only about half that carbon is then released through respiration.

Q. Do plants give off oxygen?

Breathing Easier During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Q. What gases do plants and animals take in?

Animals, during respiration, take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide gas. Plants, on the other hand, utilize this carbon dioxide gas in the process of photosynthesis to produce food and release oxygen in the atmosphere.

Q. Do plants depend on animals for respiration?

Answer: Plants depend on them for carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is used by plants for respiration and photosynthesis. The animals are the agents of dispersal of seeds which helps the plants to grow.

Q. Do both plants and animals respire?

The cells in both plants and animals perform respiration. Carbon dioxide is also released into the atmosphere when fuels are burned, such as in automobiles or factories. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through their leaves.

Q. How do plants breathe in short answer?

Plants do breathe – they give out carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen from the air that surrounds them. Their tissues respire just as animal tissues do. The parts above the soil get their oxygen directly from the air through pores. The pores in the leaves are called stomata (singular: stoma).

Q. How does plant take in oxygen?

As with photosynthesis, plants get oxygen from the air through the stomata. Respiration takes place in the mitochondria of the cell in the presence of oxygen, which is called “aerobic respiration”. In plants, there are two types of respiration: dark respiration and photo respiration.

Q. Which gas do plants breathe in?


Q. How do plants respire at night?

Plants respire during the night, plants release carbon dioxide and take in oxygen and oxidation of stored food by absorbed oxygen takes place. That’s why it’s mentioned that one should not sleep under a tree at night.

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What is a elodea definition?.
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