What if the government had supported unions instead of Management How might the lives of workers have been different?

What if the government had supported unions instead of Management How might the lives of workers have been different?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat if the government had supported unions instead of Management How might the lives of workers have been different?

Answer: If the government had supported unions instead of management in the late 19th century, the lives of workers would have been much safer and prosperous. Explanation: Workers began organizing themselves into Trade Unions in the 19th century to protect their rights and demand better working conditions.

Q. Why was the government so eager to promote the growth of railroads?

The government was eager to promote railroads because it would also promote western settlement, strengthen the trade & businesses & develop the country. The federal government gave land and made loans to the railroad companies.

Q. Do u think that consumers gained power as industry expanded in the late 19th century?

Do you think that consumers gained power as industry expanded in the late 19th century? Yes, I think that consumes gained power as industry expanded in the late 19th century, because consumes then had a new variety of inventions to chose from.

Q. Do you think the tycoons of the late 18th century are best described as ruthless robber barons or as effective captains of industry?

The tycoons of the late 19th century are best described as ruthless robber barons. They way they managed tactics and what business strategies they did have, were a factor in the role of ruthless robber barons. The tycoons invloved industries that were of oil.

Q. Do you think the government and private citizens could have done more?

Answer: Yes, they could have done more. Explanation: First, they could have planned consumer boycotts, people on the streets protesting against the corruption and power of the railroads. Also, they have had to implement more regulations, laws or rules for the operation and expansion of railroads.

Q. How did the railroads affect farmers?

One of the primary effects of railroads on farmers is the decrease that railroads bring to farmers’ transportation costs. Most obviously, it becomes cheaper to transport crops to the cities and ports. In addition, farmers can buy and transport industrial goods back to farms, including farm equipment and cattle.

Q. Why did the building of railroads have such a big impact on the plains?

The railroad also affected the Plains because it disrupted the lives of Native Americans living there. Many Plains tribes hunted the buffalo, but the buffalo herds were disrupted by the trains running across the country. As well as this, the railroads allowed more and more settlers to travel and settle on the Plains.

Q. How did the railroad help change the prairie ecosystem?

In the past few decades, great strides have been made to restore prairies by reseeding them with native grasses. Soon, the railroad was transporting settlers, plows, tree saplings, barbed wire fencing, seeds, and cattle to the far reaches of the prairie.

Q. How are railroads bad for the environment?

During operation, the main disturbances caused by railways are air, soil and water pollution, as well as noise and vibration, which may alter species richness and species abundance (e.g. Penone et al. 2012; Clauzel et al. 2013).

Q. How do trains affect the environment?

Rail transport is the most environment-friendly way to travel. The greenhouse effect of gas emissions per kilometer on railway transport is 80% less than cars. In some countries, less than 3% of all transport gas emissions come from trains. A typical train line can carry 50,000 people per hour.

Q. Can trains cause pollution?

According to the Environmental Defense Fund, locomotive diesel exhaust is made up of particulate matter, smog-forming oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, greenhouse gases and “a noxious brew of toxic chemicals that together pose a cancer risk greater than that of any other air pollutant.”

Q. What is the cleanest form of transportation?

The 5 cleanest ways to travel:

  • Bicycle- 0g C02 per km.
  • Electric Car (with solar panels)- 0g C02 per km.
  • Electric Car- 12g C02 per km.
  • International Rail (Eurostar)- 15.1g C02 per km.
  • Ferry (foot passenger)- 19.3g C02 per km.

Q. Why cars are bad for the environment?

Car pollution is one of the major causes of global warming. Cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one-fifth of the United States’ total global warming pollution. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which causes worldwide temperatures to rise.

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What if the government had supported unions instead of Management How might the lives of workers have been different?.
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