What if Dumbledore didn’t put on the ring?

What if Dumbledore didn’t put on the ring?

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If Dumbeldore didn’t put on the ring , there would be no reason for him to let Snape kill him. They will eventually overpower them, death eaters would leave after realising that they couldn’t defeat both of them.

Q. Did Dumbledore know Harry was a Horcrux?

Remember, though, that Dumbledore is not omniscient. It’s easy to forget, given his undeniable talent for knowing things and his astonishing powers of deduction. But Dumbledore does learn and discover and realize things throughout the Harry Potter series. And at this point, he still does not know about the Horcruxes.

Q. Did Dumbledore know Sirius was innocent?

Dumbledore didn’t know for certain that Sirius was innocent, and for the most part, it didn’t matter. Sirius wasn’t useful. Also, see Remus – Dumbledore saw no use for him, so didn’t help him.

Q. Did Dumbledore not know about Horcruxes?

He did know about them. He had removed the books about horcruxes from the library. It appears he didn’t know about Tom Riddle’s horcruxes, until Harry had retrieved the memory of Professor Slughorn.

Q. Who did Tom Riddle kill to make Horcruxes?


Q. Why did Voldemort not know Harry was a Horcrux?

Voldemort wasn’t aware of Harry being a pseudo-horcrux because he didn’t plan it, and Harry didn’t know either until Voldemort “killed” him, but he actually killed the piece of soul kept in him.

Q. Did Voldemort know Snape was a spy?

Originally Answered: Did Voldemort ever doubt Snape’s loyalty to him? YES! I don’t believe that he fully trusted anyone although he may have trusted his loyal followers who went to Azkaban after he disappeared. He certainly didn’t trust Snape enough to inform him of his presence when he was inhabiting Quirrell’s body.

Q. Who did Voldemort have a daughter with?

Malfoy Manor, Delphini’s place of birth Delphini was born in secret at Malfoy Manor in the mid-to-late 1990s as the result of a liaison between Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort. On 2 May 1998, both of her biological parents were killed in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Q. Why didn’t the basilisk fang kill Harry?

Harry isn’t a Horcrux. He didn’t die from the basilisk because it would still take a moment for the venom to reach his heart, and the horcrux was in his soul. The venom never reached there because of the phoenix tear which also healed his arm which was probably mostly destroyed by then.

Q. How basilisk teeth destroy the Horcrux?

History. In 1993, Harry Potter stabbed the roof of the basilisk’s mouth with Godric Gryffindor’s Sword and ended up getting a fang splintered into his arm. After being healed, Harry took the fang and stabbed Riddle’s diary, destroying that Horcrux beyond magical repair.

Q. Does the basilisk bite Harry?

At the end of the second film, Harry Potter gets bitten by the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, before being healed by Fawkes’s tears.

Q. Does Fang die in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fang and Hagrid participate in the Battle of Hogwarts; though Fang’s exact involvement is not clear. It’s implied that Fang survives, as Hagrid is not seen mourning him at any time. It’s unknown if Fang is still alive when Harry’s children come to Hogwarts.

Q. Is Fang in Harry Potter a real dog?

Behind the scenes. In the novels, Fang is said to be a boarhound, or Great Dane. In the movies, Fang is portrayed by a Neapolitan Mastiff, a very different breed, though one that was also used against boars. The dogs who play Fang in the first two movies are Hugo, Bully, Bella, and Vito.

Q. Why is Hermione not a Ravenclaw?

And this is why Hermione does not fit into Ravenclaw, since she lacks their creativity of thought. When you also add in her fearlessness and her strong convictions about right and wrong, which are inherently Gryffindor traits, then there was even less of a chance she’d end up wearing blue and bronze.

Q. How did Dumbledore kill his sister?

Over the course of just a handful of years, his sister was attacked, his father was sent to prison, and his mother was killed in an accidental explosion caused by his sister Ariana. And then Ariana died in the crossfire of a duel between Albus, his brother (Aberforth), and Albus’s then-best friend, Gellert Grindelwald.

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What if Dumbledore didn’t put on the ring?.
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