What happened to Salva’s uncle at the end of Chapter 10?

What happened to Salva’s uncle at the end of Chapter 10?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat happened to Salva’s uncle at the end of Chapter 10?

. What does Salva decide to do to survive? Salva decides to use his Uncle’s encouragement and his strategy to break a task into smaller parts to survive, one day at a time.

Q. What is Salva afraid of in Chapter 7?

After learning of Marial’s disappearance, Salva felt sad and afraid. He felt sad because he had lost his best friend and afraid because he knew it must have been a lion that took him. Uncle told him, “Salva, I have a gun I will shoot any lion that comes near.

Q. Who was salvas friend?


Nya’s Uncle told her to take Akeer to the nearest clinic , but Nya was worried Akeer might not be able to survive the long journey. After learning of Marial’s disappearance, Salva felt sad and afraid. He felt sad because he had lost his best friend and afraid because he knew it must have been a lion that took him.

Q. What happens in chapter 7 of a long walk to water?

Salva realizes Marial has been killed by a lion and he becomes fearful, clinging to Uncle. Uncle speaks calmly to Salva, promising to protect him and assuring him they will soon be out of lion country. The landscape becomes greener, suggesting their nearness to water.

Q. What does Salva do to survive?

As they walked, Salva was able to talk to his Uncle. Salva told his uncle how worried he was that once they got to Ethiopia his parents would never be able to find him again. Uncle says, “We believe that the village of Loun-Ariik was attacked and probably burned. Your family…” Uncle stopped and looked at Salva sadly.

Q. What chapter does Salva’s uncle died?

They tied up Uncle and made the group give them everything they had, including their clothes. Before they left, they shot and killed Salva’s uncle. Chapter Eleven Southern Sudan, 2008: The visitors leave and now the villagers must clear the land where the men said they would find water.

Q. Why is Salva so afraid after Marial vanishes?

Salva and Uncle did not know where Marial went that night. They quickly relized that Marial had been eaten by a lion that night. Salva was very upset because Marial was his only friend in their group because they were the same age. Uncle said that he would shoot any lion that came near them.

Q. How does uncle’s death make Salva feel?

Uncle is shot by the men. They buried uncle and stopped walking for the day. Salva feels numb and didn’t have much time to grieve, but he feels as though uncle and Marial had left him their strength. He finds himself walking faster and more boldly.

Q. Who killed salvas uncle?

Unfortunately, Salva’s uncle was killed by a group of soldiers and Salva found himself alone once more. Salva ended up staying in Ethiopia for six years until the government forced all the refugees to leave the country..

Q. Did Salva find his family?

Salva Dut was separated from his family during a civil war in what is now South Sudan. Years later, he finds his father who tells him that most of his family survived. Hearing that, Salva starts a volunteer group to build wells in South Sudan called “Water for South Sudan”.

Q. Is Salva a real person?

Salva Dut was born in a rural village in southwestern Sudan to the Dinka tribe. At 11 years old, the Sudanese Civil War reached his village and separated Salva from his family. He joined thousands of boys, famously known as the “Lost Boys,” on their journey by foot to seek safety in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya.

Q. How old is Salva in a long walk to water now?

A LONG WALK TO WATER is two interlocking stories, taking place in Sudan more than 20 years apart. In the first, 11-year-old Salva runs into the bush when his village is attacked during the civil war.

Q. Why is salvas father considered successful?

Salva’s father was successful. He owned many head of cattle and worked as their village’s judge.

Q. What did salvas father learn from him?

Salva’s father blesses him by sprinkling him with water—a Dinka tradition when someone who was lost is found. Salva’s father never gave up hope that Salva was alive. Salva learns that his mother is alive, but it would be too dangerous to go to her because he would be forced to fight in the war.

Q. What does Salva learn from his visit with his father?

Salva closed his eyes for a few moments, trying to picture his brothers through a haze of time and grief. He learned more about his father’s illness. Years of drinking contaminated water had left Mawien Dut’s entire digestive system riddled with guinea worms.

Q. What did the old woman give to Salva?

The lady had the ritual scars on her face. What does the woman give Salva when he first approaches her? The woman gives him two handfuls of peanuts.

Q. Why does one man agree to bring Salva with them?

Why does one man agree to bring Salva with them? The man agrees to bring Salva with them because his wife reaches out to him and wants him to because Salva is Dinka.

Q. Why did Salva’s original group abandon him?

Why do they leave Salva in the barn the next morning? The group leaves the rebels because where ever the rebels were going they knew there would be fighiting. The group left Salva because he would slow them down.

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