What does the interaction reveal about Antony’s character?

What does the interaction reveal about Antony’s character?

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This interaction reveals that Antony’s character has a low opinion of beasts of burden (C) because he uses this animal to compare how incapable of doing thing the man who just exited is.

Q. Which statement explains the difference between iambic pentameter and prose best?

Which statement explains the difference between iambic pentameter and prose best? Iambic pentameter does not have to rhyme and contains no limit to syllables per line, while prose is rhymed text that contains 10 syllables per line.

Q. Which statement about round characters is true?

The correct statement about round character is that round characters are dynamic, with multifaceted traits developed in their story lines.

Q. Which understanding do audiences not gain from a soliloquy?

“Interaction” is the one understanding among the choices given in the question that audiences do not gain from a soliloquy.

Q. Which statement best compares the two monologues both Brutus and Antony ask rhetorical questions to make points?

The correct answer is Both Brutus and Antony ask rhetorical questions to make points.

Q. Which piece of evidence best supports the theme that dignity has a high cost?

Answer. Answers. the piece of evidence that best supports the theme that dignity has a high cost is “i killed not thee with half so good a will”.

Q. Which tragic element reveals the theme that lying to one’s spouse can lead to tragedy quizlet?

Brutus will take his own life. Which tragic element reveals the theme that lying to one’s spouse can lead to tragedy? Portia’s tragic flaw of lying to her spouse about her secrets leads to her death by suicide.

Q. Which details best support the theme that loyalty to one’s spouse is important select two options?

The two details that best support the theme that loyalty to one’s spouse is important are “Portia’s insistence that she will not tell Brutus’s secrets to anyone” and “Portia’s self-inflicted wound to prove that she is constant”.

Q. Who killed Casca?

42 BC), sometimes referred to as Titiedius, was one of the assassins of Gaius Julius Caesar on 15 March, 44 BC. Afterwards, Casca fought with the liberators during the Liberators’ civil war. He is believed to have died by suicide after their defeat at the Battle of Philippi in 42 B.C.

Q. What kind of person is Casca?

Casca is a cynical Roman with no great taste for Caesar’s fooling over the crown. He disdains the mob and their poor oral hygiene as much as he disdains Cicero’s elitist erudition.

Q. What does Casca say about Caesar?

‘ Casca believes that Caesar’s refusal of the crown is an act. He believes Caesar wants to be king, but he does not want the crowd to know of his ambitions. Casca indicates what he thinks of the mob, so easily swayed by Caesar’s dog and pony show.

Q. Who is the protagonist in Julius Caesar?

Despite its title, Brutus serves as the protagonist of Julius Caesar. Caesar dies midway through the play and has little influence over the events that unfold. Brutus, however, stands at the very center of the action and helps instigate the play’s main events.

Q. How are the Roman Forum and the globe Theatre similar quizlet?

How are the Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre similar? Both served as a stage for political and social issues of their time period. It is the turning point, or climax, of the play, in which Caesar is assassinated, Rome is left without a leader, and the public is frightened.

Q. Which description fits the mood expressed in this excerpt best?

Answer Expert Verified. The best description that fits the mood expressed in the excerpt from the poem above is: afraid of this storm because it is one of the worst of all he has experienced.

Q. What type of character is Antony?

Described as a passionate man who loves art and music, and teased by Caesar for staying out late at parties, Antony is the opposite of the coldly logical Brutus. While not perceptive enough to suspect the plot against Caesar, his masterful speech to the plebeians at Caesar’s funeral stirs up the masses to mutiny.

Q. What is iambic pentameter quizlet?

iambic pentameter. a poetic meter that is made up of 5 stressed syllables each followed by an unstressed syllable. Only $2.99/month. stressed and unstressed syllables.

Q. Which similarity did Julius Caesar and Queen Elizabeth share?

Both lived in the 1500s. Both were rulers of England. Both were rulers of Rome. Both lived in a time of severe class division is the similarity that Julius Caesar and Queen Elizabeth I share.

Q. Which sector of society pays lowest?

Which sector of society paid the lowest amount to attend plays at the Globe Theatre? The middle class paid the lowest amount.

Q. Why do the plebeians kill Cinna?

Why does Cinna die? Cinna dies because once the Plebeians confuse him with Cinna the conspirator, they cannot control their anger and so they kill Cinna the poet. When Cinna tells the Plebeians his name, they immediately associate him with Brutus’s faction and express their anger, shouting, “Tear him to pieces!

Q. What do lines 280 283 suggest about where Antony’s loyalties lie?

What do lines 280–283 suggest about where Antony’s loyalties lie? This statement suggests that Antony is ashamed of his previous show of friendship with the conspirators, and worried about what Caesar would think of his submissive attitude.

Q. How does this example show that Caesar is not ambitious?

How does this example show that Caesar is not ambitious? an ambitious person would have accepted the crown. What does this example suggest about Brutus’s character? he is dishonest.

Q. What do the conspirators words and actions in lines 117 136 suggest about their reasons for killing Caesar?

o The words and actions of the conspirators suggest that they view Caesar’s death as a noble act. By smearing their hands and swords with Caesar’s blood, they not only suggest that they are proud of their actions, and are unafraid to admit them, but that they view them as a kind of sacrifice or ritual act.

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What does the interaction reveal about Antony’s character?.
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