What does the author mean by it was hard to love a woman that always made you feel so wishful?

What does the author mean by it was hard to love a woman that always made you feel so wishful?

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What does the author mean by “It was hard to love a woman that always made you feel so wishful”? It means that its hard to ever really get close to someone when all you do is envy and want what they have.

Q. What rumors have been circulating about Tea Cake and Janie what does Sam Watson say is the reason tea cake is spending money on Janie?

Sam Watson says that the reason Tea Cake is spending money on Janie is because he is just wanting to ruin all the hard work Joe Starks had done.

Q. Why do Janie and Tea Cake decide to stay in the Everglades?

Chapter 161. Why do Janie and Tea Cake decide to stay in the Everglades after the season ends? Because they want to be there to enjoy people’s company.

Q. What are Janie’s concerns regarding tea cake?

Before Janie sees Tea Cake again, Janie is concerned that he is too young for her, he does a lot of things with a lot of women, and he is going to take advantage of her wealth. When he comes back, she decides to be rude to him; however, Tea Cake plays his “imaginary” guitar and makes Janie smile.

Q. Should Janie Trust tea cake?

Do you think Janie is foolish to trust Tea Cake? Explain. Yes, but no, because he seems to be a very good guy, but everyone in the town basically tells her that he has no money, therefore, it seems as if he would be going after her for her money.

Q. Why does Janie again doubt tea cake?

Janie then reveals that she plans to sell the store, leave town, and marry Tea Cake. She explains that she doesn’t want the town to compare Tea Cake to Jody. She also says that she has lived her grandmother’s way and now wants to live her own way.

Q. How much older is tea cake than Janie?

Tea Cake is fifteen years younger than Janie, and is poor with not much to offer Janie.

Q. What does tea cake combing Janie’s hair symbolize?

At the end of the novel, Janie has returned to Eatonville, having buried her beloved Tea Cake. Janie’s hair now symbolizes not only her beauty, power, and independence but also her inner self. The act of combing her hair symbolizes Janie shaking off the past and reclaiming her life.

Q. What is tea cake’s real name?

Vergible Woods

Q. Did Janie kill tea cake?

Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. A few weeks before, Tea Cake was bitten while rescuing Janie from an angry dog during the hurricane. Finally, out of his mind, Tea Cake shoots at Janie, and she kills him in self-defense.

Q. Why is tea cake’s death ironic?

As Tea Cake is saving her, he is bitten by a rabid dog. This is ironic because Janie is the one who ultimately has to end the life of the man she does not want to live without, and because the rage that drives Tea Cake to nearly killing Janie was caused by the dog bite he suffered while trying to save her.

Q. Is tea cake a good guy?

Hurston depicts Tea Cake as not simply a good or bad person, but instead as a real person who is complicated and not easily understood. However, in the middle of the storm, Tea Cake saves Janie from a rabid dog, ultimately sacrificing his own life in this act of love-driven heroism.

Q. Does tea cake really love Janie?

Tea Cake loves Janie as much as she loves him. Tea Cake shows Janie affection which is something that is missing in her marriage with Joe and Logan. Making Janie happy shows that he loves her because he is not happy unless she is.

Q. What is tea cake buried with?

The all-white, all-male jury finds her innocent. After the trial, the white women of the muck gather around Janie to comfort her, while her former friends stand in judgment against her. Janie buries Tea Cake in Palm Beach on a white silk couch surrounded by roses “like a Pharaoh in his tomb.”

Q. Why is tea cake called tea cake?

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Tea Cake is called Tea Cake because people couldn’t easily say his real name, which is Vergible Woods. The nickname also reflects how sweet Janie finds him.

Q. Why is tea cake in Eatonville?

People in Eatonville are scandalized by Janie and Tea Cake’s romance for several reasons. Janie is a well-off widow who owns a house and a store, while Tea Cake “can’t do nothin’ but help her spend whut she got.” The Eatonville neighbors are sure Tea Cake only wants Janie’s money.

Q. How does Tea Cake manipulate Janie?

Tea Cake, representing society, initially encourages Janie to be strong, then molds her into an object of his pleasing. In Janie’s mind, Tea Cake is perfect and cannot make mistakes, even after he whipped her. Tea Cake’s emotional manipulation of Janie makes it so she is supportive and willing to do whatever he wishes.

Q. How does Janie feel after tea cake dies?

She doesn’t. Tea Cake dies in her arms, still hateful and biting down on Janie’s forearm. She weeps over his body and silently thanks him for giving her the chance to love. The entire black community is set against her; they feel like she has betrayed Tea Cake.

Q. How did Joe Starks die?

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Joe Starks dies from kidney failure and old age. Essentially, his elderliness probably caused his kidneys to stop working properly. Joe dies while continuing to harangue Janie for her alleged faults.

Q. What does tea cake refuse from Janie when he starts feeling sick?

Tea Cake refuses, insisting that, first of all, they need to find a place to rest. Janie is proud of his heroism, and he wants her to know that she has a real man to take care of her. The doctor will be able to get the serum, but nothing can help Tea Cake now. In the fury of his illness, he struggles with Janie.

Q. What did the doctor tell Janie after he examined tea cake?

What did the doctor tell Janie after he examined tea-cake? He said tea-cake had rabies. And that he had almost no chance to recover.

Q. What did Janie bring back to Eatonville Why?

What did Janie bring back to Eatonville? She brought the pack of seeds that Tea Cake had wanted to plant.

Q. What did Mrs Turner propose to Janie?

Turner propose to Janie? Why? She thought Janie had too fine features to be married to a man as black as Tea Cake. She wanted to introduce Janie to her brother.

Q. How does tea cake personality change once he begins feeling sick?

How does Tea Cake’s personality change once he begins feeling sick? Tea Cake goes from being easygoing to being very suspicious and not trusting. He becomes forgetful and very uneasy.

Q. What did Janie tell Phoebe she learned on her journey?

In her journey through life, Janie has learned two important lessons: People must “go tuh God,” and they must “find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.” Finally, Janie realizes that as long as she lives, the memory of Tea Cake will live within her heart.

Q. What does tea cakes death symbolize?

Tea Cake’s death at the end of Their Eyes Were Watching God is one of the saddest literary moments that I have ever read. It is sad because he is not even given the noble death that he deserves. He was the one that finally opened Janie’s eyes to a world that she could come to love and respect.

Q. What makes tea cake finally snap?

The dog that bit him had rabies. What makes Tea Cake finally “snap”? The black people are in the back all trying to kill with their words for killing Tea Cake. They are upset.

Q. Why does Mrs Turner not like tea cake?

Turner is proud of her Caucasian lips, nose, and buttocks. She is drawn to Janie because Janie also has Caucasian features. Mrs. Turner does not approve of Tea Cake because his skin is too dark and thinks Janie should be with her brother, instead.

Q. What color is tea cake like Janie?


Q. Does Janie get rabies?

Janie does not get rabies, there is no evidence of that in the story. She returns home because she did not want to remain in the Everglades without him.

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What does the author mean by it was hard to love a woman that always made you feel so wishful?.
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