What does Roy do that infuriates Dana?

What does Roy do that infuriates Dana?

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Roy sees Dana listening to music and does something no reader would expect. Sweet Roy drops his pants to his ankles and gives Dana a perfect view of a full moon! Just as Roy planned, this infuriates Dana and lures him out of his house to give Roy a royal butt-whooping.

Q. What does Roy find out that the burrowing owls eat?

After Roy does some internet research on the burrowing owls, known as Athene cunicularia floridana, he stops at the local bait shop and purchases a box of live crickets. He stops by the junk yard to see if Mullet Fingers will go with him to the construction site, but the boy isn’t there, so Roy goes alone.

Q. What did Roy tell Dana after he mooned him?

What did Roy do to convince Dana to come outside? Roy mooned Dana then ran. Roy told Dana he wanted to give him________. You just studied 13 terms!

Q. What did Roy secretly wish in hoot?

She just received a form letter, not even mentioning owls, from Chuck Muckle. What did Roy tell Dana he wanted to give him? A carton of Gladiator Golds.

Q. Why is Roy called cowgirl?

He’s doesn’t exactly keep his mouth shut. He does come from Montana, which makes all the kids at his school call him “cowgirl.” Um, we’re pretty sure the heroes in Westerns usually have names like Shane or Buck or Wild Bill.

Q. Why was Mr Eberhardt proud of Roy?

Why was Mr. Eberhardt proud of Roy? He was a bully. He had stood up for himself.

Q. Why does the running boy grab Roy’s attention?

The running boy grabs Roy’s attention because he had no shoes, no uniform, and no school bag on a Monday morning; he was also running really fast pass the bus stop. Roy noticed him because his face was pressed against the window by a bully, Dana Matherson.

Q. What was in the bag when Roy found the running boy’s belongings in the woods?

Many Snakes in the Grass – or Bag Roy calls out to see if someone would respond, and nothing. He continues his search and finds three garbage bags hidden under a thicket of vines. Curious, he takes a peek in each. The first one is filled with common trash: soup cans, apple cores, potato chip bags.

Q. Why do Roy’s parents go to the hospital?

Mullet Fingers doesn’t want his parents finding out he’s in town, so Beatrice and Roy agree not to tell the doctors his name. That’s why the hospital calls Roy’s parents. Roy knows he could get into trouble for being dishonest (lying), but he does it so that his friend will see a doctor. When Dr.

Q. What did curly do when he kicked open the door of the bathroom?

In the silence, Curly becomes nervous especially when he hears a sound in the bathroom. His fear of more snakes makes him break open the door and before he can catch himself, he shoots the gun, destroying the toilet seat.

Q. How did Mullet Fingers get out of the hospital?

Roy and Beatrice have finally arrived at the emergency room, so Beatrice has accepted Roy’s advice. Roy has protected her brother by giving his own name and address in place of Mullet Fingers’. Then, Beatrice decides to leave Mullet Fingers in Roy’s hands so she can go home and feed her father.

Q. Why did Roy’s parents think that their son was hurt?

Both of his parents were upset that Roy had been choked and wanted to know how the other boy would be punished.

Q. Why is Roy looking out the window?

Because the boy kept running—past the corner, past the line of students waiting to get on the bus; past the bus itself. Roy wanted to shout, “Hey, look at that guy!” but his mouth wasn’t working so well. Dana Matherson still had him from behind, pushing his face against the window.

Q. How does Roy know Mullet Fingers is still around at the end of the story?

Roy learns that Mullet Fingers real name is Napoleon Bridger, a name that totally amazes him. They learn as they read the articles that Mullet Fingers had gone home to his parents.

Q. Why did Miss Hennepin eventually believe Roy’s story?

What made Miss Hennepin eventually believe Roy’s story? She saw marks on Roy’s neck. The boy was still far ahead of him [Roy]. And Roy was gulping like a beached trout.

Q. Who stole Roy’s bike at the end of Chapter 6?

In Chapter 6, Beatrice steals Roy’s: (a) Bicycle.

Q. What happened to the actress who played mother Paula in the epilogue of hoot?

The actress who played Mother Paula quits her job because of her love of birds and membership in the Audubon Society. As a result, her career blossoms and she ends up with a movie deal.

Q. How does Roy know that Mullet Fingers was at the Hidden Creek?

He found his shoe Roy went to the hidden creek to try to catch a mullet, but he didn’t. When he tried to put his shoes on, one was missing. When he found his shoe a mullet was inside of it. He knew that Mullet fingers was the on to put it in his shoe.

Q. Who wants to talk to Roy at the beginning of Chapter 21?

Eberhardt calls for Roy because there is someone at the door for him. A news reporter wants to talk to him about everything that happened at the groundbreaking ceremony. She throws a bajillion questions at him until he simply states, “Look, I just went there to stand up for the owls. That’s all” (21.46).

Q. What does Mullet Fingers show Roy when he takes him to the creek?

Mullet Fingers takes Roy to a half-sunken crab boat called the Molly Bell. It is a hidden sanctuary where Mullet Fingers tells Roy he has seen crocodiles there and the two of them sit quietly and watch all kinds of birds and other natural creatures.

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