What does puck do wrong?

What does puck do wrong?

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2.1: Puck accidentally sprinkles the love potion in Lysander’s eyes instead of Demetrius’s, which causes Lysander to fall out of love with Hermia and in love with Helena. Whoops. Now Demetrius and Lysander both want Helena, and Hermia is left unloved.

Q. Why Is PUCK a favorite of both audiences and performers?

In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, why is Puck a favorite of both audiences and performers? A. Puck bravely struggles against the forces of evil and eventually triumphs.

Q. Why is Puck important in Midsummer Night’s Dream?

In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream one can argue that Puck is the key character of the play. Puck is important as Oberon’s minion. He serves the king of the fairies—it is through his actions that Cupid’s love potion is retrieved.

Q. What problems does puck cause?

Why does Puck delight in causing chaos and confusion? Puck delights in causing chaos and confusion because he’s a fairy, and according to tradition causing mischief is exactly what fairies do. Puck in particular has achieved fame for his many mischievous exploits.

Q. What does puck do to the lovers?

The forest is magically plunged into darkness and Puck imitates the voices of the lovers to lead them astray. This time he successfully smears the love potion on the eyes of Lysander, who thus falls back in love with Hermia.

Q. Why is Titania jealous of Hippolyta?

Titania is jealous of Hippolyta because the king snuck away to visit the Amazon warrior, and he loves her as well.

Q. Who is in love with Helena now?


Q. Why does Oberon want the boy?

Oberon just wants the boy because the boy is very “beautiful.” For whatever reason, that makes him want the boy to be a “knight of his train.” This means that he wants the boy to be one of his followers. It appears that Oberon and Titania are just using the boy as an excuse to quarrel.

Q. Does Titania give Oberon the boy?

Oberon wants the boy for himself but Titania won’t give him up. Oberon therefore plans revenge. He orders his servant, Puck, to fetch a magical flower.

Q. Why won’t Titania give up the boy?

Why won’t Titania give up the changeling boy to Oberon? She won’t give him up, because he was on of her followers children and his mother passed away giving birth. So, Titania felt obliged to to care of the boy.

Q. Why did Lysander sleep with Hermia?

Lysander wishes to sleep close to Hermia, but she insists that they sleep apart, to respect custom and propriety. At some distance from each other, they fall asleep. She sees the sleeping Lysander and wakes him up. The potion takes effect, and Lysander falls deeply in love with Helena.

Q. Why does Titania give Oberon the child?

Why does Titania give Oberon the child? She cares for him no longer now that she has Bottom to dote on.

Q. Do Oberon and Titania end up together?

In the relationship between the King of the Fairies, Oberon, and his Fairy Queen, Titania, this certainly seems to be the case. Though they’ve been together forever, it’s anything but smooth sailing.

Q. Who has more power titania or Oberon?

Oberon is powerful, but Titania appears to be just as headstrong, and they seem equally matched. However, as a result of this impasse, Oberon vows to exact revenge on Titania.

Q. Why is Titania in love with her husband again?

Why is Titania in love with her husband again? Titania is in love with her husband, Oberon—king of the fairies —again because the spell was removed from her once she gave Oberon the changeling from India.

Q. Why does Titania declares she will not part with the little Indian boy?

Titania has taken an Indian boy as her attendant and is doting upon him and ignoring Oberon. He is jealous of the boy. Why does Titania declare she will not part with the little Indian boy? Titania was friends with his mother who died and now she has pledged to raise him.

Q. Do Titania and Oberon have children?

She is married to Oberon, the King, and has two sons by him called Puck – her eldest son and also the heir to the throne of Faerie, and Mustardseed.

Q. What animal does Nick Bottom turn into?


Q. What did puck do to Nick’s head?

Puck changes Bottom’s head into that of an “ass” or a donkey head. Puck does this as a prank because he enjoys playing tricks on mortals and fairies alike. The transformation is appropriate because Bottom’s name is synonymous with “ass” and also because Bottom’s personality is stubborn and pushy.

Q. Why did puck turn Bottom’s into a donkey?

Puck turns Bottom into a donkey because he likes playing pranks. Giving Bottom the head of an ass is entirely appropriate when one considers his name. In Bottom’s personality, he displays the stubbornness of a mule, which makes his transformation all the more appropriate.

Q. What happens to bottom during their rehearsal in the woods?

Bottom then wanders off rehearsing his lines. When he returns, he has the head of a donkey, magically given to him by Puck the fairy, who has been watching these men rehearse. Bottom’s friends are quite shocked by his new appearance and run away.

Q. Is Pyramus and Thisbe a tragedy?

One obvious difference between Midsummer and the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is that the former is a comedy and the latter is a tragedy. Nevertheless, Shakespeare manages to play comedy and tragedy against each other in such a way that draws the two stories into a mirrored relationship.

Q. Does bottom know he is a donkey?

3.1: Bottom re-enters the stage after a break, but his head has been transformed into that of a donkey—unbeknownst to him. As Snout tries to tell him that he’s changed, Bottom replies Snout must only be seeing his own “asshead.”

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