What does keesh drop on the floor as he runs away from the bear?

What does keesh drop on the floor as he runs away from the bear?

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And the bear took after him, and Keesh ran away. But as he ran he dropped a little round ball on the ice. And Keesh continued to run away and drop little round balls, and the bear continued to swallow them up.”

Q. What does Ikeega put on her face in token of her grief?

Ikeega tore her hair and put soot of the seal-oil on her face in token of her grief; and the women assailed the men with bitter words in that they had mistreated the boy and sent him to his death; and the men made no answer, preparing to go in search of the body when the storm abated.

Q. What made keesh and his mother live in the poorest igloo?

And all understood. That is the story of Keesh, who lived long ago on the edge of the polar sea. Because he used head-craft, instead of witchcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village.

Q. Who was Ikeega?

Ikeega was Keesh’s mother who lived only with his sole son. She loved his son very much. She is a flat character, because from the beginning until the end she is the same, doesn’t develop.

Q. What was keesh’s Headcraft?

Keesh’s headcraft refers to the way of Keesh’s way of killing the polar animals with special tactics.

Q. Who is father of keesh?

Keesh was the son of a great huntsman, who was well known and respected in his tribe. Unfortunately, Keesh’s father died when Keesh was very young. As is often the case, the legendary exploits of Keesh’s father was forgotten with time. After many years, the child grows to be thirteen.

Q. What finally convinces his countrymen?

Answer. His countrymen was finally convinced that he was a great hunter like his late father when he decided to hunt alone and after days he comes to the village bringing a huge polar bear (considered very dangerous). He used his brain to kill the bears with no hassle.

Q. How did keesh prove himself to be like his father?

Answer: keesh prove himself to he like his father by being a brave and smart youngman. He really honored his father’s memory and decided to become a hunter like his father. Keesh grow, much better to his father, he learn much hunting exhibitions and he provided the tribe more bounteous food.

Q. What is the ending of the story of keesh?

Ending of the story of Keesh? And they finally found out the reason why Keesh were so successful, is not about magic or anything. It’s because Keesh always readied some little round ice balls made by bones and whale meat. When the bear swallowed the ball, the bear would get sick and Keesh could kill it easily.

Q. What is the moral lesson of the story of keesh?

Keesh tried to prove that his father had once become the savior for his community. The moral lesson of this story is that: “We must have to appreciate the sacrifice of a person and that we should not have a bad judgement towards others.”

Q. What was the last word of keesh?

Answer : In the short story ‘The Story of Keesh’ by Jack London, the last words of Keesh are “It is not for a boy to know about witches, and I know nothing about witches. I only have means whereby i may kill an ice-bear with ease, that’s all. It would be headcraft, not witchcraft.”

Q. What was the last word of keesh why did it require dignity and manhood to speak?

In “The Story of Keesh” composed by Jack London, the people of the tribe did not accept that Keesh had killed a large polar bear on his own, so they blamed him and his mother of using witchcraft. It needed manhood and dignity for him to stand-up for himself and speak against the elder hunters who disliked him.

Q. What is the author’s attitude in a day in the country?

Answer: A Day in the Country can be described as calm, friendly and happy in mood and tone. The theme of the story is all about the creation; How good and wonderful it is. It is also about making friends.

Q. What is the mood in the story of keesh?

Answer Expert Verified The mood can be described as “dignified” specially when Keesh tried to live for his father’s will about having a fair share of meat and he also tried to prove himself and his countrymen that he is a true hunter and shared his devised means in hunting.

Q. Who is telling or narrating the story?

Narrator, one who tells a story. In a work of fiction the narrator determines the story’s point of view. If the narrator is a full participant in the story’s action, the narrative is said to be in the first person. A story told by a narrator who is not a character in the story is a third-person narrative.

Q. What is the conflict of the story keesh?

The conflict in the Story of Keesh is the distrust and misunderestimation of the council members to the 13-year old Keesh. When Keesh went to the council meeting to express his thoughts on the fair sharing of hunted meat, the elders in the meeting questioned and laughed at him.

Q. What is the action words and motives of keesh?

ACTIONS. WORDS: he want to know that a 13 year old had a great hunt. WORDS. MOTIVES: giving a meat for his trive and also he wants to know how keesh hunt a bear.

Q. What word captured your interest most attention in the song What a wonderful world?


Q. Who is keesh describe him and his family?

Keesh is a bright boy. He is the head man of their village. He is the son of Bok, the great hunter of their village. As the head man of the villagers he continued his father’s will to give the villagers a fair share of meat brought by any of their best hunters.

Q. What does the Bible say about mothers?

What Does The Bible Say About Mothers Day? The Bible consistently asks followers to honor and love their mothers. Examples of this can be seen in Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother,” and Leviticus 19:3, “Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father.”

Q. What is a good mom?

A good mother, often called a Good Enough Mom, does her best to: Teach her child how to live life to the fullest. Be there for her children when they need her. Allow room for her children to make mistakes and learn from them. Teach her children how to love unconditionally.

Q. Who is the best mother in the world?

To celebrate Mother’s Day, here are 25 of history’s greatest moms.

  • ANN JARVIS. Ann Jarvis (1832—1905) inspired the movement that eventually made Mother’s Day into a national holiday.
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What does keesh drop on the floor as he runs away from the bear?.
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