What does Expodentially mean?

What does Expodentially mean?

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exponentially Add to list Share. Use exponentially when you want to say that something’s increasing quickly by large amounts. The mathematical origin of this word has to do with multiplying a number by itself so think also of rabbits, who are known for multiplying exponentially.

Q. Is expediently a word?

Expediently is defined as something done quickly or efficiently, or an answer or solution based on what is right or just. If you are checked in for your flight and whisked through security in a total of five minutes flat, this is an example of when you move expediently.

Q. What does the word expedient mean in the Bible?

tending to promote some proposed or desired object; fit or suitable for the purpose; proper under the circumstances: It is expedient that you go. conducive to advantage or interest, as opposed to right.

Q. What is another word for exponential?

What is another word for exponential?

rapid changerapid growth

Q. What is a good definition of exponential growth?

Exponential growth is a pattern of data that shows greater increases with passing time, creating the curve of an exponential function.

Q. What does logistically mean?

/ləˈdʒɪs.tɪ.kəl.i/ in a way that involves the careful organization of a complicated activity: In theory, this is a great idea, but logistically, it’s a nightmare. A military solution may be impossible politically or logistically.

Q. What do you know about logistics?

Logistics is used more broadly to refer to the process of coordinating and moving resources – people, materials, inventory, and equipment – from one location to storage at the desired destination. The term logistics originated in the military, referring to the movement of equipment and supplies to troops in the field.

Q. How do you spell logistically?

Definitions for logistically lo·gis·ti·cal·ly

  1. logistically(Adverb) Regarding or using logistics.
  2. logistically(Adverb) Regarding or using symbolic logic.

Q. How do you use logistically in a sentence?

logistically in a sentence

  1. Logistically, the burden of complying with the law is heavy.
  2. “Logistically, it’s a nightmare .”
  3. Sometimes, logistically, that creates a little bit of stress.
  4. He called the tour, ” logistically amazing .”
  5. And we want it to go through figuratively, and logistically.

Q. What are some examples of logistics?

The management of logistics can involve some or all of the following business functions, including:

  • Inbound transportation.
  • Outbound transportation.
  • Fleet management.
  • Warehousing.
  • Materials handling.
  • Order fulfillment.
  • Inventory management.
  • Demand planning.

Q. What does the word logistics mean in English?

1 : the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel. 2 : the handling of the details of an operation the logistics of a political campaign.

Q. What is the meaning of base on logistics?

Meaning. Citing current situation/constraint.

Q. What are the two major operations of logistics?

Transportation and warehousing are the two major functions of logistics. Transportation management focuses on planning, optimizing and executing the use of vehicles to move goods between warehouses, retail locations and customers.

Q. What is the difference between operations and logistics?

Logistics is the efficient flow and storage of products from their point of origin to the point of consumption. Operation planning, on the other hand, is the strategy employed by an organization that affects all aspects of production. These strategies range from workforce activities to product delivery.

Q. What are the elements of logistics?

There are five elements of logistics:

  • Storage, warehousing and materials handling.
  • Packaging and unitisation.
  • Inventory.
  • Transport.
  • Information and control.
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